Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and Gender Ideology
There is a rich diversity of vocabulary that trans* people may prefer to use to describe their gender identity. Non-binary identities include genderfluid, gender-neutral, genderqueer, 3 agender, bigender, neutrois, androgyne. (Transgender Guidance for Jersey Schools)
People that identify as Genderfluid may find that their gender fluctuates on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and that they often do not identify with the concept of gender at all (Agender). There is no one way to be Genderfluid, and each person's experience may differ greatly. (Manchester Pride)
One of the fundamental notions of gender ideology is to pull apart biological sex and gender, whereas the former is immutable, the latter is a social construct, and with the idea of gender fluid, currently on the teaching agenda in Jersey schools, different genders can be tested out daily almost like changing clothes until you find one that you are conformable with – for the moment!
There is a clear distinction made between biological identity and gender identity. Gender identity is to do with an internal sense of self, which may differ from outward markers of biological identity.
In Aristotelian categories, each object has accidents and substance. The accidents are the outward appearance, so for a dog, the substance is the essential nature of the creature as a dog, its “dogness”, so to speak. The accidents are the attributes that can change without altering the dog’s fundamental nature. A Labrador retriever and a Chihuahua differ in many accidental properties, but their substance as dogs remains the same.
Thomas Aquinas, with his theory of transubstantiation, used Aristotelian categories to explain the words in the Mass – “this is my body”, “this is my blood”, but in a novel way. In the act of consecration, the bread and wine are believed to transform into the body and blood of Christ in substance, while their outward appearances (or "accidents") remain unchanged..
In this case, there is a tearing apart of the “breadness” substance of bread as it becomes the “bloodness” of Christ, while the outward appearance as bread remains (the accidence).
In a similar way, gender ideology holds that a person's gender identity (their internal sense of self) may differ from their biological or physical characteristics. What appears to be the case in the outward markers – biological sex – may differ from the essential gender of the person. A trans woman, for example, has an essential nature – the substance – as “womanness”, while the outward biological appearance – the accidents – may to all purposes be physically identical to that of a biological male.
Of course one difference is that the accidents may be surgically adjusted so that to external appearances they resemble a biological woman. But apart from surface characteristics, the basic biology remains fixed. A trans woman will not have to worry about smear tests, but will have to worry about prostate issues, a clear indication the surface surgery, and even biochemical interventions (hormones, puberty blockers) cannot alter the biological facts.
To summarise, both concepts emphasize the primacy of an inner or essential reality over external appearances. In transubstantiation, the essence of the bread and wine is transformed, regardless of sensory evidence. In gender ideology, an individual's self-identified gender is considered their true identity, even if it differs from biological markers. Changing gender identity, like transubstantiation, is a metaphysical transformation.
And both rely on belief systems for their acceptance. A change of substance, whether it be bread or wine or gender, cannot be measured empirically. It may be thought that gender ideology can seek validation from psychological testing, but the psychological testing itself is carried on within the framework of gender ideology. The existence of a category called “gender fluid” is a key element to understanding the metaphysical aspect of gender ideology.
Both an individual's sense of self and religious faith are rooted in subjective, internal experiences. They are intangible and not directly observable, but they are profoundly impactful. For someone who feels a strong gender identity or a deep faith, that conviction becomes an anchor for their understanding of reality and their place in the world.
People that identify as Genderfluid may find that their gender fluctuates on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and that they often do not identify with the concept of gender at all (Agender). There is no one way to be Genderfluid, and each person's experience may differ greatly. (Manchester Pride)
One of the fundamental notions of gender ideology is to pull apart biological sex and gender, whereas the former is immutable, the latter is a social construct, and with the idea of gender fluid, currently on the teaching agenda in Jersey schools, different genders can be tested out daily almost like changing clothes until you find one that you are conformable with – for the moment!
There is a clear distinction made between biological identity and gender identity. Gender identity is to do with an internal sense of self, which may differ from outward markers of biological identity.
In Aristotelian categories, each object has accidents and substance. The accidents are the outward appearance, so for a dog, the substance is the essential nature of the creature as a dog, its “dogness”, so to speak. The accidents are the attributes that can change without altering the dog’s fundamental nature. A Labrador retriever and a Chihuahua differ in many accidental properties, but their substance as dogs remains the same.
Thomas Aquinas, with his theory of transubstantiation, used Aristotelian categories to explain the words in the Mass – “this is my body”, “this is my blood”, but in a novel way. In the act of consecration, the bread and wine are believed to transform into the body and blood of Christ in substance, while their outward appearances (or "accidents") remain unchanged..
In this case, there is a tearing apart of the “breadness” substance of bread as it becomes the “bloodness” of Christ, while the outward appearance as bread remains (the accidence).
In a similar way, gender ideology holds that a person's gender identity (their internal sense of self) may differ from their biological or physical characteristics. What appears to be the case in the outward markers – biological sex – may differ from the essential gender of the person. A trans woman, for example, has an essential nature – the substance – as “womanness”, while the outward biological appearance – the accidents – may to all purposes be physically identical to that of a biological male.
Of course one difference is that the accidents may be surgically adjusted so that to external appearances they resemble a biological woman. But apart from surface characteristics, the basic biology remains fixed. A trans woman will not have to worry about smear tests, but will have to worry about prostate issues, a clear indication the surface surgery, and even biochemical interventions (hormones, puberty blockers) cannot alter the biological facts.
To summarise, both concepts emphasize the primacy of an inner or essential reality over external appearances. In transubstantiation, the essence of the bread and wine is transformed, regardless of sensory evidence. In gender ideology, an individual's self-identified gender is considered their true identity, even if it differs from biological markers. Changing gender identity, like transubstantiation, is a metaphysical transformation.
And both rely on belief systems for their acceptance. A change of substance, whether it be bread or wine or gender, cannot be measured empirically. It may be thought that gender ideology can seek validation from psychological testing, but the psychological testing itself is carried on within the framework of gender ideology. The existence of a category called “gender fluid” is a key element to understanding the metaphysical aspect of gender ideology.
Both an individual's sense of self and religious faith are rooted in subjective, internal experiences. They are intangible and not directly observable, but they are profoundly impactful. For someone who feels a strong gender identity or a deep faith, that conviction becomes an anchor for their understanding of reality and their place in the world.
However, just like with religion, this is a belief system which is not and should not be promoted as scientific. That this has done, and attempts have been made to shut down and cancel scientists who hold that biological sex is immutable is a scandal. Indeed the fervour and zealousness of some gender ideology proponents resembles the fervour and zealousness of the worst excesses of Christianity in silencing opponents.
Children as young as seven might be a “mixed berry gender fluid muffin”, teachers have been told in a sex education resource promoted by the Welsh Government.
And that brings us to the position of children, and the two strategies involved with children and gender.
The ‘watch and wait’ or "watchful waiting" approach does not steer a child towards any pre-determined outcome, but recognises developmental change as an intrinsic part of childhood and adolescence. This is the approach recommended by the Cass report.
The gender affirmative model most notably seen at Tavistock GIDS makes the assumption that the child knows their gender and puts them on a path to change, if for example, the child thinks of their gender identity as a woman. This is an approach very much critiqued by the Cass report.
There is an interesting parallel between deciding the two strategies and the early Middle Ages.
In Christianity, Monastic oblation refers to the practice of offering oneself to God through association with a monastic community. Historically, this included children being dedicated to monasteries by their parents, often at a young age, to live under the Rule of Saint Benedict. These children were known as "oblates," and the practice was common in early medieval Christianity.
As Diarmaid MacCulloch notes:
“From what had apparently been a minor provision of Benedict’s Rule, oblation became a major feature of Carolingian life between the ninth and the eleventh centuries, both for boys and girls (though we know a great deal less about the custom in nunneries). It is likely that the majority of inhabitants in monasteries and nunneries were now products of oblation in early childhood, and thus they formed a category of European Christians who spent their whole lives in celibacy, thanks to a decision made for them by their family.... This had none of the provisions for probation or second thoughts that the Rule allowed for older entrants to monastic life.”
So the West, monastic vows were often formalized and tied to the Benedictine tradition. Children dedicated as oblates were expected to follow the monastic rule. But in the East, matters were different:
“The general consensus among Eastern monastic authorities was that it was not suitable to demand an early decision in life on something as important as chastity. Basil the Great sensibly observed that ‘it is not proper to consider children’s words entirely final in such matters’
The Western approach was more like gender affirmation, whereas the Eastern one was much more akin to “watch and wait” until the child reached the age of discernment.
It is yet another example of how the debates may shift, but some of the underlying core ideas and recommendations remain the same. Personally, I think the Eastern Church was right, and watch and wait is the best approach. In the end, the Western church softened its stance towards that and recognition that an "age of discernment" mattered, as of course it still does in matters of law and children, but not, it appears, gender ideology in schools.