Saturday 30 November 2019

Advent Comes

And by way of something different, for the threshold of Advent, a poem looking forward to this Advent, and the hints of a promise of a final Advent in a different way.

Advent Comes

Light in slums of that great city
Light in farm yard, cattle shed
Mother now conceived a baby
Sleep and dreaming, sound in bed
Touched by angels, touch so mild
As if touched by little child.

Stars shine brightly, light our heaven
Planets meeting, signs for all
From the humblest farmyard stable
To Cathedral choir stall
For the poor and mean and lowly
Signs and wonders of the holy

Old I grow, to second childhood
Soon the final words to say
Blessed be, O God our Mother
Come the grave where I shall lay
Come the promise that should be
The calling of the Lord to me

Advent comes, this yearly pattern
As from infancy we grew
We were little, weak and helpless,
Advent hope makes all things new
Signs and portents in our sadness
Promised hope of word of gladness

Friday 29 November 2019

Jersey As It Is - Part 7

This Friday is a blog in which I have transcribed a translation of an essay called "Jersey as It Is", published in 1844, as the result of a winning entry by F. Robious de La Trehonnais which won first prize in the competition of the Jersey Emulation Society.

Some items of note. The claim by St Aubin to be a major harbour was clearly a noisy one, and only the building of the Albert Pier seems to have fortified St Helier's position as dominant. It is worth noting that the Pier was originally referred to as the North Pier when its foundation stone was laid in 1847.

Trade with Newfoundland was still profitable and they came to St Aubin not St Helier at this time.

At the time of writing, the road between La Haule and St Aubin was not complete, so the omnibuses (which would have been horse-drawn) had to go up La Haule and down the old St Aubin's High Street.

The date of St Brelade's church is false, it comes from an incorrect manuscript which unfortunately made its way into all the early histories and tourist guides. J.A. Balleine notes:

The alleged date of its consecration, viz., A.D. 1111, is based on a statement contained in the "Livre Noir" of the Cathedral of Coutances in Normandy. But it is now well known that the original "Livre Noir" was stolen some years ago and that the existing book was compiled from memory by a monk of the period who had studied the original MS. very carefully, and early chapters prove that the Church existed prior to A.D. 1111. For example: a charter of Robert I, Duke of Normandy, dated A.D. 1035, "confirms the donations made to the Monastery of Montiviliers", and his son, William the Conqueror, adds thereto, "the half of the revenues derived from eight Churches in Jersey", one of which is-that of St. Brelade. As these allocations confirm previous grants, it is evident that the Churches existed at earlier date than that of the Charter of Robert 1.

Finally, he seems to have met some old lady at St Brelade who told him that the wall paintings in the Fisherman's Chapel were her work! Tourist tales were inaccurate even then, just as today, people have been told of granite coffins containing the bones of dead monks beneath the walls, which Warwick Rodwell (who excavated the site in the 1980s) confirms is a complete fabrication.

Jersey As It Is - Part 7

The harbour of St. Helier’s, though safe and spacious, is too narrow and of insufficient extent for the number of vessels required by the daily increasing commerce of the island ; but a new pier is in the process of building, and though this harbour will not perhaps possess all the desirable qualities of safety, it will, however, prove useful, and will not fail to make up in a short time for the enormous expense it will cost when finished. 

When it was talked of beginning this harbour, a contest between the inhabitants of St. Helier’s and St. Aubin as to the relative merits of the two situations for the harbour was carried on with much spirit on both sides ; after serious discussion and some bitterness of feeling had expended itself in noisy meetings, the claims of St. Helier’s were declared superior, and St. Aubin retired vanquished. 

Though of much less importance than St. Helier’s, St. Aubin holds the second rank in the island. Frequent communication between the two towns is established by means of omnibuses, and the small distance they have to run allows them to make many trips a day. 

A new road is now making under the cliffs, beginning at la Haule. This alteration in the line of the carriages will not only be advantageous by shortening the distance, and avoiding the steep hill, which renders the entrance to St. Aubin so dangerous and toilsome, but will still add to the picturesque beauties of that road already so attractive. 

Up to that place it is but a long street, nearly four miles in length, bordered on one side with houses and villas surrounded with gardens, orchards, and shadowy groves ; on the other, is the sandy beach as polished as a mirror, in which the clouds and sea-birds are reflected in their flight. 

On the right, the hill, forming the rich and varied outline of the bay, rises up in some parts in a gentle slope, in others steep, and in every part displaying the most luxuriant vegetation. On the left, is the Elizabeth castle, with its old tower, its greyish ramparts, and the enormous rocks which rise on all sides as if to defend it. At length, at the entrance of the valley, appears before you the village of St. Aubin, with an air of sweet tranquillity and mysterious silence, which cannot fail to convey a pleasing impression. 

Then, as a contrast to this peaceable picture, is seen the Tower, that inoffensive parody of a fortress. The harbour is large and commodious ; but, as there is no trade whatever going on, it is rare to see more than two or three vessels at the same time, except in winter, when the Newfoundland fishermen return to spend that season. There is also an excellent building-yard, where the largest vessels are constructed.

In summer, the hills that overhang the town preserve in the houses a delicious freshness ; and the tranquillity that reigns through the deserted streets makes it one of those peaceable retreats, where those whose hearts have been wounded by contact with the world and its passions, may come and live alone with their own thoughts, and with but few of the distant echoes of a society they have abandoned, to raise the partially-extinguished embers of their griefs. 

The environs of the village harmonize in every point with the stamp of quietness that is so deeply impressed on this little paradise. If the visitor slowly ascends the winding alley leading to Noirmont, through the paths of the cliff, he rests on rocks carpeted with ivy; beneath his feet the rippling waves gently break among the pebbles of the creeks, and from the luxuriant canopy of verdure over his head, comes the air cool and light, and hidden birds pour forth the melody of their songs. Everything will appear to him charming and beautiful,-everything will reveal to his heart the exquisite wisdom of their Creator.

To describe this old Noirmont point, with its lonely and mysterious recesses, its green and flowery cliffs festooned with ivy, its rocks carpeted with moss, braving the waves to the level of the tides,-those line sandy coves,-that immense horizon, would be a vain attempt. Who that loves the pleasures of memory, dearer even than those of hope, would not dwell on the hours passed here, till the tears fill his eyes, and the scene rises again before him, even by his own fire-side, by his own sullen shore, when the winds howl, and sea and sky and all is desolate ! 

Next comes St. Brelade's-bay, which opens wide and majestic to the long waves that roll over the sands. Oh you who love Nature in its wild beauty ; you pious souls who seek solitude to muse on godly things; poets who ask for inspiration and ecstasy ; painters who love the backgrounds that wane, fading away grey and dim,-the cliffs with those rosy tints that dawn casts on them,-and trees warm with the autumnal shades they borrow from the setting sun ;-come all to St. Brelade, where you will find the object of your researches,-the solution of your doubts,-the sparkle of your genius !

In St. Brelade's-bay arose the first feeling of adoration and dependency on a holier power. The walls of the first Christian temple constructed in the island, were hid in this wilderness. How picturesque and venerable is that old church, sitting amidst the remains of so many generations! 

It is impressive to think that seven centuries have passed over its walls, bearing in their simplicity so strong a proof of their high antiquity. Built on the shore, the waves beat the old wall that surrounds the enclosure, and on holy days, the distant and hollow sound of the ocean over the sandy beach, joins its deep melody to the sacred chants that arise from the temple. 

With what delight I loved to wander over this solitude ; climbing the rugged rocks piled upon the hills around, and from thence overlooking the scene, viewing with one glance all the magnificence spread beneath me, and yielding all my faculties to the delight which such a contemplation created in my mind. Then that old guardian of the mausoleums, a living ruin among so many dead ones, who smiled to every tomb as to a friend, and who was ever seen sitting on the graves, silently grazing a few sheep, and turning her spindle with the undisturbed gravity of one of the Fates. How naturally she used to show visitors about her domains !

For this field of the last rest, that old church, whose date, 1111, she pointed out with her bony hand with so much pride, and the chapel es pecheurs, still older, on the wall of which she explained some remnants of rough paintings representing Herod's massacre, were all her own. 

One could have said, on seeing her so crippled, so much bent under the burden of years, that she was a contemporary of all those ruins. But, alas! Where is she at present? the traveller will in vain look for her on the favourite tomb-stone where she was wont to sit: the long grass of the churchyard has long since covered the seat she so much loved : moss, no longer disturbed, has laid its green velvet over the inscription : she is no more ! The old guardian has at last taken her resting-place among the dead over whom she watched so long.

The village of St. Brelade is composed of a few cottages only, with the vicarage, and a hotel has been lately built for the accommodation of the numerous parties that come to visit it. Everywhere the same aspect of solitude and retirement. The steep hills forming the bottom of the bay abruptly rise in their wild and rugged barrenness ; on their slope granite pierces through the thin stratum of vegetable earth that covers them, and sandy hills, no doubt formed by the tempest, crown their lofty brows.

At a short distance from St. Brelade is St. Ouen's bay : if such a denomination can be given to the immense beach that extends from north to south, and forms almost the whole western extremity of the island. This bay offers nothing remarkable but its desolate aspect ; the banks are formed by sandy hillocks, covered with a hard grass of a silvery hue.

Enormous blocks of stone, scattered about by the storms, lie Pêle-Mêle on the beach ; and in the middle of these crags, rises a small square tower having the name of a fort, which it ill deserves.

In the distance are discovered the lofty cliffs of the island of Sark, and still further the isle of Guernsey. On the right, shines the white tower of St. Ouen's church; and on the left, an immense rock issues from the waves as a throne for the god of storms and shipwrecks: it is the Corbière, an awful rock that no one can see without shuddering. Around its base the 'sea knows no calms, and furious currents urge on their rapid course with a thundering noise. How many storms have raged over its blackened sides ! And then, how many victims lashed with wild waves, have been crushed and torn on its sharp edges !

Thursday 28 November 2019

Making no Allowance for Putting Children First

This was the proposition which was rejected:

This amendment has been lodged alongside our amendments to Stamp Duty, the FirstTime Buyer Loan Scheme, and the Food Cost Bonus, to improve the cost of living within Jersey. By increasing the child allowance for the first time since 2011 (and childcare allowance for the first time since 2017), we will provide help to families dealing with the rising cost of living. 

It is in line with the Government’s strategic priority to “Put Children First”. 

Households with a child under the age of 16 can currently claim a marginal rate exemption increase of £3,000. The additional child allowance available to single parents is £4,500. We propose to increase these amounts to £3,100 and £4,650 respectively. The childcare allowances are available to all parents. Households with children aged between 4–12 can claim “Child Care Tax Relief” up to £6,150. We propose to increase this to £6,350. Parents with children under the age of 4 can claim “Enhanced Child Care Tax Relief” up to £16,000. We propose to increase this to £16,500. Our proposed increases use the same figure of 3.1% that has been applied to increase the personal tax exemption thresholds in the Government Plan.

Voted down!

So much for "putting children first"! Not when the need for an economic squeeze becomes more important.

All that talk about children first is fine when it comes to things like "Children's Day" but when it comes down to real concrete measures, it is just so much hot air.

The Council of Ministers was solid in its opposition to the measure, including the Minister for Children, Sam Mezec who was now putting children second. Only one Assistant Minister broke ranks and showed that he was not a "nodding dog".

A curiosity: the promoter of breastfeeding, Louise Doublet, and the "breastfeeding fad", John Le Bailly, were both against the proposition.

It is interesting to note that Reform voted "en bloc" against the proposal! Meanwhile, the Constables were split, with 6 in favour and 5 against  (one ill) - Gary Burgess take note!!

In favour were independents, not Reform.

Steve Ahier  For (Pour)
Connétable  Simon Crowcroft  For (Pour)
Deputy  Inna Gardiner  For (Pour)
Connétable  Mike Jackson  For (Pour)
Connétable  Sadie Le Sueur-Rennard  For (Pour)
Deputy  Jeremy Maçon  For (Pour)
Connétable  Deidre Mezbourian  For (Pour)
Senator  Kristina Moore  For (Pour)
Deputy  Kirsten Morel  For (Pour)
Senator  Steve Pallett  For (Pour)
Deputy  Kevin Pamplin  For (Pour)
Deputy  Jess Perchard  For (Pour)
Connétable  Karen Shenton-Stone  For (Pour)

Saturday 23 November 2019

The Cold Lands

The Cold Lands
Frost on the window pane
The chill winding is blowing
Fallen leaves in the lane
The bonfire is glowing

Dog walkers on bare sands
Sea weed’s black covering
These are the cold lands
Old forest uncovering

The woods barren and bare
A small vole is hibernating
There’s a chill in the air
And winter is waiting

By the fireside, I read a book
Outside the window flew a rook

Friday 22 November 2019

Jersey As It Is - Part 6

This Friday is a blog in which I have transcribed a translation of an essay called "Jersey as It Is", published in 1844, as the result of a winning entry by F. Robious de La Trehonnais which won first prize in the competition of the Jersey Emulation Society.

Born on 9 Feb 1819, he was baptised at St Brelade's Church on 25 Jul 1819.

This passage looks at some of the author's views on religion, the way in which churches had been stripped to a bare plain look under the influence of Calvinism in Jersey, and the difficulties Roman Catholicism has in coming to Jersey. The Dean who made a speech against them would almost certainly have been François Jeune who served as Dean of Jersey (1838–1844) Master of Pembroke College, Oxford (1844–1864) and Bishop of Peterborough (1864–1868).

The different churches and religions are also listed. A few oddities there:

Brianites are members of a Methodist body formerly called Bible Christians founded in England by William O'Bryan in 1815, splitting off from the Wesleyans. The Bryanite sect merged with the United Methodists in 1907

The New Church (or Swedenborgianism) is the name for several historically related Christian denominations that developed as a new religious group, influenced by the writings of scientist and Swedish Lutheran theologian Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772).

I have been unable to find out who the "Truly Pious" sect were.

At the western extremity of the Royal Square lies the parish church of St. Helier’s. As to its architecture, it brings us back to the infancy of the art; four walls of greyish stone, half eaten away by old age, covered with an irregular roof, the whole commanded by a square tower, having a dial on its front like the eye of a Cyclops :-so much for its exterior. 

The interior would not be more remarkable, were it not that the funeral inscription of Pierson has found in the old temple a stone to place on it his memory, and the remembrance of his death. After all, this church, though evidently very old, is well kept : some say it was founded in 1341. In any other part of the island it would look very interesting; its grave appearance, that grey tint, which five centuries have laid on its granite, would suit well a rural spot, and would add much to the picturesque of the scenery, but in the middle of a city this building is quite out of place.

Whilst gazing on that old temple one cannot refrain from meditating on the destiny which hangs over the works of men, ordains their vicissitudes, determines their duration, and extends or destroys their prosperity. Wherever an aggregation of men has taken place, a religious building has come to demonstrate that instinct of dependence and weakness that belong to the human mind. The want of referring to a first cause all the natural mysteries that surround man,-life which animates him, death which puts an end to his career, the great uncertainty, in which all beyond the grave is involved, have always wrought on his heart a feeling of awe which causes him to bend his knee before the Author of those inexplicable wonders. 

This first want being satisfied, this first craving of conscience being appeased by that act of religious submission, the material interests resume their habitual course. Around the temple, houses are grouped, streets are formed, squares are opened, edifices are built; then population increases, wants are multiplied, taste changes and improves ; time at length touches the generations with his wing and they disappear. 

The first buildings crumble, others are pulled down, larger and more comfortable structures spring from the ruins ; the ancient monument of God alone remains untouched, unimproved, amidst these progressive revolutions. The tombs themselves, those monuments erected over human ruins, crumble and mix their dust with the dust of the bones they cover; but the shadow of the temple sweeps unchanged over these ruins, like the great principle which has caused it to be built.

Why have not Jerseymen extended to their churches that spirit of progress and embellishment which animates them --Is it negligence ?--Is it respect ? Through almost all Europe the new era of architecture, even in times comparatively barbarous, has done away with all those rough structures which might have been sufficient for newly-converted barbarians, but not for civilized Christians. The immense cathedrals which adorn our cities of the middle ages demonstrate, at this hour, the old-time potency of religious enthusiasm among Christian nations.

The architects of those days sought not to exhaust their inspirations with the Parthenon of Athens, or the temples of Rome. The religion of Christ, such as they understood it, supplied them with sublime ideas, with more daring conceptions. Can modern science, which has circumscribed everything within an horizon of rules and principles, tell you the secret of those aerial vaults, those vast piles, those sculptured portals, those solemn naves, where God seems to enthrone Himself in all His awful majesty ? 

Oh! No ; the secret is dead with the faith which disclosed it. Men have bent the old Christian religion to all their interests, to all their passions; enthusiasm is extinct, and the religious sentiment of which we speak can now produce nothing but miserable parodies of churches, well whitewashed and plastered, wherein every sect fashions forth a worship for itself, where each community works out for itself a theory. 

In Jersey, as everywhere else, the principle of union in religious matters, which has created so many marvels, exists no more. Numerous chapels have been lately built by Methodists, Baptists, Independents, etc., and even the Jews talk of erecting a synagogue.

 The Jesuits also, ever actuated by their hatred to Protestantism, and their love of making proselytes through their cunning and sly means, have applied lately to the states for permission to establish on the island a college of their own, which, under the deadly and barren influence of their system, would have proved a wasp's nest for the community, and a source of discord and enmity which could not have failed to venom forever the discord and enmity already extant; but the States, enlightened by a vehement speech of the Dean, showing in glaring and eloquent words what awful results were likely to proceed from the labours of such men, whose actions are directed by such atrocious rules and anti-Christian morality, were unanimous in rejecting their request; and the worthy Father, who had come over himself to try the ground, had the mortification of seeing his hopes blasted under that anathema which has been fulminated against his society from every throne in Europe.

To give an idea of this religious diversity, and of the great number of systems springing from a liberty of which Luther was the first advocate, I have thought that the following table, showing the different religious congregations of St. Helier’s, the number of people composing them, or at least who may find place in the temples where they meet, would not be without interest:

Parish church about 1000
St. James's chapel 1200
St. Paul 800
All Saints 700
English Wesleyans 1100
French ditto 850
Primitive Methodists 400
Bryanites 200
Independents (Halkett Place) 650
Congregationists (Union-street).. 600
Grove-place chapel 200
Baptists 300
Bethel 100

Irish Catholics 700
French ditto 400
St. Mark's chapel will contain ... 1500
The Synagogue 100

Total: 10800
There are, besides, rooms where Quakers, Truly Pious, Swedenborgians, etc., meet in the proportion of 20 to 100.

Saturday 16 November 2019

The Death of Venice

As Venice faces the catastrophic effect of climate change, a poem looking at its history, and the sadness of today. There's a hidden easter egg or two referring to (1) a movie (2) a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. I visited Venice twice when around 11 and 12, and I once had a glass horse ornament, blown by the glassmakers (of which Venice was famous). It was a fascinating city.

The Death of Venice 

Don’t look now, it is under water
St Mark’s Square flooded out
Buildings taken to the slaughter
Tourists and locals flee in rout

Where Marco Polo was in prison
A Doge of Venice made so bold
Venice triumphant, has arisen
Commerce on the spice road

Galileo’s telescope made here
Stars above the lagoon inspires
Gondoliers glide and so endear
Take a pair of sparkling eyes

Climate change, no place to hide
As Venice sinks under rising tide


There's a clip of an 11 year old me in Venice here. It's old 8mm cine footage and somewhat degraded, but you can still me and the pigeons in St Mark's Square.

Friday 15 November 2019

Jersey As It Is - Part 5

This Friday is a blog in which I have transcribed a translation of an essay called "Jersey as It Is", published in 1844, as the result of a winning entry by F. Robious de La Trehonnais which won first prize in the competition of the Jersey Emulation Society.

Having dealt with the history, now we have his "tourist guide" to Jersey as it is in 1844, which is fascinating. No lighthouse on Corbière. A windmill in St Aubin's bay! And while most of it is described in glowing terms, the statue of George II in that ridiculous Roman outfit gets a lashing! It must be remembered that it was not until 2016 that his name and regnal dates – 1727 to 1760 was added to the plinth, so it must have seemed bizarre.

Jersey As It Is - Part 5
The traveller, who arrives from France, enjoys a sight which he cannot forget; scarcely has he passed the Minquiers, those awful rocks, the witness and cause of so many shipwrecks, when before him rises an aerial apparition, a long greyish vapour, which seems to hang over the waves like a transparent mist. 

Every minute of his rapid course adds to the distinctness of this cloud. A bright spot soon appears on the right, some villa, no doubt, shining in the sun. The shade of the promontories invests itself with a deeper tint, and the bays and creeks recede into the land. 

On the left, the Corbière erects its rugged and terrible crest, concealing its base under the misty clouds which rise from the sea that rages around. On the right, Mont-Orgueil castle is seen, dark and frowning, at the extremity of its peninsula. Next appears the fort, with its signal-staff and stern ramparts. 

Noirmont point stretches at the other extremity, and these two characteristic spots are joined by a beach curved like a bow, which soon appears gemmed with verdant clusters of trees, thickly dotted with villas and cottages. The steeples peep from the bosom of the valleys, the sails of numerous vessels whiten the wave, the golden sand of the beach extends all round like an immense girdle, and this fairy-like scenery offers at last to the dazzled eye, the magnificent St. Aubin’s-bay. 

In this immense amphitheatre, which displays itself so gorgeously, the gaze is sometimes on the Hermitage rock and the Elizabeth castle, which interpose their grey mass upon the landscape : sometimes on Noirmont, covered with its shadowy trees :-St. Aubin, reflecting itself in its solitary harbour, and mustering its villas half bid with the trees on the sides of its bills : then that windmill, rising on the sandy shore, so white, so graceful and distinct, on the rich dark green of the hill behind, whose indolent wings, scarcely moved by the sea breeze, leisurely ascend and descend, alternately brightening in the sun.

At last comes St. Helier’s, sending forth to the sky its spires of smoke, which alone give an estimate of its extent ; the harbour, thickly filled with masts, and resembling a long avenue of leafless trees; all this ensemble, this panorama of waves and shores, of life and solitude, of motion and tranquillity; those striking contrasts of forts, cottages, streets, and villages ; all this mixture of objects so heterogeneous, but so harmoniously intermixed, presents one of the most beautiful sights that can greet a mortal eye. 

To the stranger the aspect is certainly English; the language that sounds in his ears, the interior of the hotel where he has taken up his quarters, the peculiar appearance of the inhabitants, everything he meets bears a stamp of English fashion not easily mistaken or overlooked.

To those who have known St. Helier’s these last twenty years, this kind of naturalization to the British isles has taken, since that time, a character of similarity in manners, the difference of which fades away more and more. 

The suburbs, which in a few years have extended themselves around the city, and rise on all sides in rows, crescents, terraces, and parades, are most decidedly English ; those little flower-gardens, so neatly divided by gravelled paths, and defended by slender iron railings, so gracefully fronting the houses. The extreme cleanliness, so bright and comfortable to the eye, contrasts charmingly with the dirty and gloomy aspect of St. Malo and Granville. 

Villas, capriciously constructed, peep through the foliage of luxuriant trees, whose dark green adds to their spotless whiteness. Everywhere plots of grass of velvet smoothness, intersected by white gravelled walks, fragrant shrubs and flowers,-cool and mysterious groves, rose-trees softly waved by transient breezes, send forth in the air the sweet perfumes of their blossoms ; everything contributes to the fairy aspect of those beautiful suburbs. Seldom have Nature and the industry of man joined their skill in so happy a manner. 

The roads which wind around those villas are wide, and kept in good order, with a broad path for pedestrians almost everywhere overshadowed by trees banging over the walls and railings ; and crossing this rural scenery numerous and brilliant equipages give it an air of life and motion.

Besides its suburbs, St. Helier’s boasts of several other remarkable parts. The famous Halkett-place, both a walk and a market, offers rather a singular aspect; on one side a row of symmetrical houses, the ground-floors of which are generally taken up with elegant shops, some of them really attractive, though inferior to those which are to be seen in King street. On the other side is the market, which, viewed on a Saturday, presents a dense crowd, coming in and going out. 

The Royal Square comes next, with its weekly meetings, where political coteries agitate, in open air, their most important questions. In the middle rises a statue that resembles nobody, that has not been placed upon its pedestal by any motive of reminiscence, respect, or glory ; a dull monument without a name or a date, which has not even the merit of execution. Stupid and vain parody which has usurped the place where Peirson fell, bravely defending his flag, and which rises more insignificant than a rough stone, where the statue of the hero ought to stand proud and alone !

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Double Standards in Jersey Conservation?

When Le Masurier planned to regenerate a neglected area of Bath Street by building a 122-bedroom Premier Inn hotel and 145 flats in what could be one of the biggest single developments the town has ever seen.

Save Jersey’s Heritage published alternative proposals in the hope of saving the 1830s Regency-era listed building that could be demolished under the original scheme. Marcus Binney, a founding member of the heritage group, said that tweaking the application could save the building and also allow the development to take place.

Objections to Le Masurier's plans were also made by the National Trust, Marcus Binney on his own, and Save Jersey’s Heritage.

Jersey Heritage in its comments on the listing status of the building noted that:

“It was acknowledged that part of the ground floor and the original entrance wing had been lost. It was also noted that the 20th century extensions and other later external additions to the front (east) and side (north) of the 1830s house were not of interest and were excluded from the listing. Consequently, the listing was restricted to the main circa 1830s house as shown on the plan attached to the Listing Schedule.”

“No.90 Bath Street was previously assessed for inclusion on the former Historic Buildings Register under an earlier protection regime in 2007. The advice from Jersey Heritage and the Ministerial Registration and Listing Advisory Group at that time was that No.90 had group value with No.92 and that this group value and its importance as one half of a pair of houses should be recognised in any future development of the site. It was, however, concluded that as the original exterior character of the building had been damaged by the addition of a side extension (probably incorporating the original entrance wing), the reconfiguration of the roof from its original hipped form, and the loss of external historic features such as timber windows and doors, that No.90 failed to meet the criteria for registration in its own right.”

Ville à l’Evêque Cottage in Trinity was also slated to be demolished to allow the construction of three houses. Fortunately it has beensaved from demolition following a successful appeal.

Advocate Fred Benest noted that “‘The cottage was built in 1735 and was only one of three traditional buildings in the Ville à l’Evêque settlement that has survived.”

During the planning committee meeting, it was suggested that, as the cottage had undergone substantial modification and was not listed, it was not worth saving. Fred disagreed: “There cannot be any reasonable doubt that the profile and the footprint of the cottage is original. It is only on the south side that a dormer has been put into its roof.”

Clearly despite the town houses having been reconstructed considerably, because they had been counted as “listed”, the alterations – really also substantial modification - were deemed of no significance by the heritage lobby. But when it came to the cottage – where the dormer is invisible from the road facing side – it was not listed, and could go!

All the National Trust could say was “This cottage appeared on the Godfrey map and has been traced back to 1803 by Marie -Louse Backhurst who found it was owned by Corbel and Binet. The Trust hopes therefore that before the cottage is demolished its historical features are recorded.

Clearly they hadn’t done as much historical research as Fred Benest who traced the history back to 1735!

Save Jersey’s Heritage, Marcus Binnet, and the rest of the usual bandwagon of heritage objectors were nowhere to be seen. This was not a listed building, and not seen of importance!

It should be noted that the town development objections gave rise to this reply from Le Masurier

“The report highlights that the exterior, interior and setting of 92 Bath Street has been significantly damaged and, indeed, the Listing does not extend to the pair of buildings (i.e. 90 Bath Street). The schedule limits internal interest to features including a mahogany staircase, some panelled doors and matching joinery, windows with panelled lining and bedroom fireplaces. Le Masurier is sympathetic to any listed structure and we have offered to carefully remove and salvage these listed features, where possible, so they can be re-appropriated by heritage groups.”

Doesn’t this fit with the idea proposed for the Trinity Cottage by the National Trust that before it is “demolished its historical features are recorded.”? 

I leave you with two pictures. Of course a picture is not the whole story, but it is surely part of it, and quite honestly I find it appalling that the heritage groups seem to have double standards when it comes to their own particular brand of heritage. 

Described as: A fine example of an 1830s house [that] illustrates the development of the town and architectural fashion in St. Helier in the early 19th century that must be preserved. 

Described as: A cottage that is not listed and has had “substantial modifications” and can be demolished.

I'd also like to observe that the heritage lobby seems to have done nothing to argue for improving and restoring the facade of those buildings until demolition came along.

I'd also observe that the nearby Odeon, another listed building, has had massive and substantial modifications internally. From a classic cinema with circle and stalls, it was radically restructured into a multiplex before closing, removing the original seating and much of the internal fabric.

I'm sure this will annoy some people, but I am not against preserving heritage, I just think that those who lobby for preservation often seem to have significant blind spots, and a philosophy of conservation that at times appears inconsistent. 

Another example I could cite can be seen here:

Saturday 9 November 2019

Armistice 1919

London on November 11th 1919 – a two minute silence at 11 o’clock to observe the first anniversary of the end great war. This photograph by an unknown artist conveys the collective grief of a people. To stand in that crowd in the stillness and silence for two minutes – the individual weight of personal loss and mourning magnified beyond imagination.

The closest Saturday (my poetry day) to Remembrance Sunday, and a suitable poem. It is 100 years since the first Armistice day.

Armistice 1919

On year after, crowds gather, silence begins
We weep at the lost youth of a nation
And the guns stopped, war’s cessation
We won, they say, but no one really wins

The folly of human kind, the old, old sins
Arrogance leading onwards to damnation
On year after, crowds gather, silence begins
We weep at the lost youth of a nation

Remembering the dead, and not who wins
Piece together fragments without causation
Honour those lost in commemoration
And no more the triggers on the firing pins
On year after, crowds gather, silence begins

Friday 8 November 2019

An Historical Sketch of the Jersey Baptist Church – Part 2: the Twentieth Century

Taking a couple of weeks break from "Jersey As It Is", here's the second of two parts of the history of the Jersey Baptist Church.

An Historical Sketch of the Jersey Baptist Church – Part 2


On 1st January 1903 Mr. Alfred Benest passed away. It was in his house that the Church had been formed in 1864 and he had served it faithfully ever since.


In August 1914 the membership of the Rev. W.D. Reynolds, B.A., B.D., was transferred from Beckenham so that he could serve as a special representative of the Jersey Baptist Church at Matadi in the Belgian Congo (now Zaire) where he was the Principal of a training college for African preachers and pastors. The Jubilee of the Church was held in the autumn of the same year but rather quietly due to the tragic outbreak of the First World War.


The Grove Street premises were sold to the Oddfellows Friendly Society in 1920 for £600 and two years later a manse was purchased at a cost of £1,000, the Baptist Building Fund lending £500 free of interest.

The Revd. S.J. Smurthwaite was appointed in 1930 and served the Church faithfully for nineteen years until his retirement in 1949.

Mr. Smurthwaite's ministry included the five years of German occupation (1940-1945) which followed the fall of France in the Second World War. During the occupation, when the Channel Islands were completely cut off from the mainland of Great Britain, the Jersey Baptists, in common with other islanders, suffered many privations but nevertheless continued to meet regularly for worship and fellowship, and continued to save money for the Baptist Missionary Society. Because of the difficulty of 'blacking-out' and heating the main Church building many of the services were held in the school hall.


Following the liberation of the Island in 1945 it was decided to allocate £50 of the Thank offering to the Baptist Union's Fund for the re-building of bombed churches in the United Kingdom. The money reserved for the B.M.S. was also sent to England.


The old Manse in St. Mark's Road-was sold in 1949 and the present Manse at Millais Park was purchased for the sum of £3,600.


The Baptist work and witness suffered some losses during and after the German Occupation and from 1960 the Church was helped by the Baptist Union Home Work Fund but happily became self-supporting again in 1968.

The Rev. Clifford Measday, A.R.I.B.A. commenced his ministry in 1963 and under his guidance the first alterations and internal decorations to the main church building since 1927 were carried out. The building was re-opened for worship in 1964, the Centenary Year of the Church and in the following year the fellowship gratefully accepted the anonymous gift of a new electronic organ.

The active membership gradually more and, looking to the Risen Lord for help and wisdom, took fresh heart.


A valedictory service was held on 2nd September 1967 for Miss-Marion Furzer, a Church member who had been called to serve as a nurse with The Leprosy Mission at Purulia in India.

In 1965 the Church had become aware of the poor nature of their Church Halls and through a gift from a group of interested ladies in the Baptist Churches in New Jersey, in the United States of America, decided to commence a re-building fund.


The Church invited the Minister, a registered architect, to design new halls and these were opened on the 5th September 1970 by his wife, Mrs. Doreen Measday. The rebuilding marked a significant step in the work of the Baptist Church in Jersey.

Through the earnest prayers of the fellowship the giving was remarkable, the sum of £14,000 being raised in the short space of six years. Many friends in Jersey, on the mainland and overseas gave generously and the Church was also grateful to the Southern Baptist Association Assembly for being recommended as the Chapel Case for 1971, the sum of £688 being received.


At a Church meeting in May 1973 it was decided that the Church would 'twin' with a French Baptist Church at Vitry-sur-Seine on the outskirts of Paris. For several years this small fellowship had met and worshipped in a house in which also its Pastor, the Rev. Georges Bonneau and his wife lived, but they were now engaged in the erection of a large modern church building. The friends and members of the Jersey fellowship not only upheld the new venture in their prayers but gave practical help with the building work and financial support by means of the Thank-offering and other gifts.


Rev. Measday was invited to speak at the official opening of the new building in May 1974, several friends and members of the Jersey Church were also present for the occasion.

On the 3rd June 1973 a valedictory service was held for Church member Miss Anne Agnes, prior to her departure for Africa where she was to serve for eighteen months as a missionary nurse in the Southern Sudan. On the 15th September 1974 another was held for two more members, the Rev. Robin Agnes, brother of Anne, and his wife Eileen who had been called to serve with the Belgian Evangelical Mission.

The Jersey Church undertook to provide full financial support for Anne whilst she was serving in Africa and now contributes to the support of Robin who is the Pastor of a small evangelical fellowship at Grivegnee, near Liege, in Belgium.

At the Southern Baptist Association Assembly in May 1974 Mr. Measday formally invited the Association to hold its 151st Annual Assembly in the Channel Islands in 1975. As a result of this invitation the Jersey and Guernsey Baptist Churches will this year be acting as hosts to 150 Officers, Ministers, Delegates and Personal Members of the S.B.A. It will be the first occasion in the history of the S.B.A. that an assembly has been held in the Islands.

In 1889 when the Rev. C.A. Fellowes wrote a 25-year-old history of the Church, he chose the text from 1 Samuel 7: 12 as being the essence of their convictions at that time, 'Hitherto the Lord hath helped us'. We too can think of no better Scripture to close this brief historical note.

May 1975

Ministers of the Jersey Baptist Church
1865-1867 Revd..F.F. Metcalf
1867 Revd. George Sheppard
1868 Revd. H.B. Bardwell
1868-1869 Revd. B.J. Holland
1870-1874 Revd. George Hider
1874-1875 Revd. Joseph Hawkes
1875-1878 Revd. George Weatherley
1879-1880 Revd. F. Johnson
1880-1885 Revd. Henry Wallace
1886-1895 Revd. C.A. Fellowes
1896-1901 Revd. William Boneer
1901-1905 Revd. Gwynne Thomas
1905-1911 Revd. Dr. J.A. Monk
1911-1921 Revd. Wilson Haffenden
1921-1929 Revd. Grimshaw Binns
1930-1949 Revd. S.J. Smurthwaite
1949-1954 Revd. B.H. Carpenter
1955-1958 Revd. W.G. Davis
1958-1962 Revd. W.G. Leggasick
1963-. Revd. Clifford M. Measday

Saturday 2 November 2019

Boundary Conditions

Boundary Conditions

Moonlight on graves, shadows fall
Batwings flitter across the night sky
The thin reedy cry, the ghostly call
Soft as a whisper, one final sigh

Shadows of the past, linger a while
Gazing at the living, a chasm of time
Tempting the living, with all their guile
Until a midnight, a church clock chime

Time past, present, future: all is now
The thin places, where they will meet
A cat amongst the tombs, a faint meow
The Halloween cry: take trick or treat

The boundary is thin twixt living and dead
At any time, the fates could cut our thread

Friday 1 November 2019

An Historical Sketch of the Jersey Baptist Church – Part 1: the 19th Century

Taking a couple of weeks break from "Jersey As It Is", here's the first of two parts of the history of the Jersey Baptist Church.

An Historical Sketch of the Jersey Baptist Church – Part 1

Prior to 1789, the year of the beginning of the French Revolution, the town of St. Helier was merely a huddle of thatched cottages around the Royal Square. However within the next quarter century the town grew by leaps and bounds and new churches became necessary. It was at this time, in the year 1817, that the Rev. Joseph Ivimey of London, a prominent Baptist minister, visited the Channel Islands and was instrumental in founding one or more Baptist causes in Jersey. The first body of believers worshipped in a meeting house in Wharf Street and the present Baptists in Jersey are direct spiritual descendants of that fellowship.

When Rev. Ivimey came to Jersey in 1817 he would almost certainly have had a long, uncomfortable, if not hazardous, journey in a small sailing cutter, being the only means of communication with the mainland.

The Jersey which he found on his arrival differed greatly from the Island which we know today. Fort Regent, overshadowing the town of St. Helier, had only been completed three years before, in 1814, there were no Albert or Victoria piers at the harbour and no lighthouse at La Corbière, George III was on the throne of England. Methodism was also in its early stages and the first purpose built chapel had been built at St. Ouen's in 1809.

Although the tempo of life was slower, the manner of living was much harsher. For example, public executions were still being held, which even school children were expected to attend.


It appears that a number of Baptist churches came into being in those early days, In 1820 the first large purpose- built church known as the Albion Chapel was erected by the English-speaking fellowship in New Street and soon afterwards the French-speaking Baptists built a chapel in Ann Street. However because of a peculiarity of the Jersey law of that time both chapels had to be sold to meet the private debts of the trustees. The loss of their property was a fatal calamity to both causes and an attempt to restart the Baptist work in 1845 was short-lived.


The scattered Baptists continued to meet in one another's homes. In 1864 a meeting was held at which it was decided that a Baptist Church should be formed in Jersey. Here is a statement from the first minute book:

"On September 4th,1864 at the residence of Mr. Benest, 19 Queen Street, a private meeting of Baptist friends was held in connection with the Jersey Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Society. Mr. J.R. Phillips, the Society's Association Agent, was present, and presided at the meeting. After prayer by brother Benest Junior, the claims of the society were considered and plans for the promotion of its interests were resolved upon for the coming year.”

"The brethren and sisters then gave expression to their desire for the formation of a Baptist Church in Jersey. Some present had been making this object a matter of prayer. Prayer was then offered by brother Bunker for Divine guidance and teaching; after which the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:”

1. It having been ascertained that there are a considerable number of baptised believers in the Lord Jesus Christ resident in Jersey, it is hereby resolved that we, whose names are now read, be formed into a Church of which the Lord Jesus shall be recognised as the Only Head and Lawgiver; His Word shall be the sole Rule of Faith and Practice; and His Ordinance of Baptism shall be administered only to Believers on a profession of their faith - Henry Avis, Mary Ann Alexandre, Amice Benest, Margaret Benest, Ebenezer Bunker, Edmund Francis Carrel, Amelia Carrel, John Cabeldu, George Seager.

2. That whilst this Church shall consist of Baptised Believers only, it will cheerfully welcome to its Communion at the Lord's Supper all who may be true lovers of the Lord Jesus Christ,"

The Church then comprised only nine members who were without Pastor, without settled habitation and without any auxiliary organisations.

The first Communion took place at 3 Wesley Street on the 6th November 1864 and the first Baptismal Service in the British School, Aquila Road on Tuesday evening 31st January 1865 there being five candidates, four of whom joined the Church. For some time services were held in members' homes but as the Church grew it became necessary to lease the Temperance Hall in Providence Street.

In June 1865 the Church moved to the little chapel in Grove Street which was purchased from the Congregational Church for £200 and this continued to be the home of the Jersey Baptists for twenty-two years.

At this time the Church was dependent upon its own members for the preaching of the Word.

Although the membership numbered only thirty-two, the Church was now determined to seek the services of a minister and, with aid given from the funds of the "Baptist Irish and Home Mission", was able to invite the Rev. F.F. Metcalf. During his pastorate a school hall was erected and opened in 1866.

The Ministerial appointments for the next two decades were mainly of short duration there being no less than nine during this period.


In 1870 the Island's first railway was opened between St. Helier and St. Aubin. This enterprise may well have encouraged a new form of outreach as the Church, under the energetic leadership of the Rev. George Hider, held additional Sunday afternoon services in a borrowed chapel at St. Aubin.

Cottage meetings were also held at St. Clements. Those baptised during his ministry included three French ladies who were refugees from the Franco-Prussian war.

A great deal of major engineering and building work took place in Jersey about this period. The Elizabeth Castle breakwater was completed in 1872 and the first concrete lighthouse to be constructed in the British Isles, was erected at La Corbière point in the West of the Island, the place was notorious for shipwrecks.


During the pastorates of the Rev. Henry Wallace and the Rev. C.A. Fellowes the Church grew in numbers and found its little building to be too small. In 1887 the French Independent Church worshipping in the "Chapelle Evangelique" in Vauxhall Street, generously offered their building, which was valued at £3,000, for the nominal sum of £700.

The Baptist fellowship decided to buy the building and were greatly encouraged by the local Free Church ministers. After some structural alterations by Charles Le Quesne, a builder and deacon of the Church, the building was opened on Sunday 25th September 1887 by the Rev. Charles Spurgeon of Greenwich. It is in this building that the present Baptists worship.

Following the move to Vauxhall the Church continued to flourish so that in 1889 it was reported that it had a membership of 165, a Mission Station at Town Mills, two Sunday Schools numbering unitedly over 200 scholars-with 30 teachers, a vigorous Temperance Society and two Bands of Hope, a Tract Society, a Ladies Working Party, a Foreign Missionary Auxiliary and a Young Disciples Band with over 40 members.

In 1895 the Church reluctantly accepted the resignation of Rev. Fellowes; during the period of his ministry over 100 members had been received.


In 1898 the Congregationalist body asked the Church to form a Union with them, but the unanimous reply read: "At present to faithfully acquit our responsibilities as regards baptism, we cannot agree to join the proposed union".