Bad Statistics in Jersey
Guernsey: Tuesday 16th February - We currently have 142 (known) active cases of COVID-19. There have been 3 new cases found in the last day and 37 people have recovered. Of the new cases, 1 is a contact of known cases and 2 were identified through planned workforce screening and are not directly linked to a source.
Jersey - we get the statistics about workforce screening, but we don't know if they are directly linked to a source or not. This information is not forthcoming.
This is a key metric, and without it, picking up planned workforce screening tells us very little about the transmission of Covid in the community.
Since Thursday 11 February, 4 individuals have recovered and 7 new cases have been identified (6 through planned workforce screening and 1 through contact tracing)
So are the 6 cases unknown community source or not? The statistics we get are abysmal.
The Grand Strategy: It's the Economy, Stupid!
Jersey's Grand Strategy. Don't even think of household bubbles. No household mixing. But if you go out to a restaurant, you can socially mix with another household as long as there is 2 metre distancing. And you wear your mask when not eating, so are putting it on, taking it off, precisely what they tell us not to do with advice to wear a mask on streets between shops. Contradictions like this don't surprise me, because the underlying principle is to get hospitality open first.
A friend writes: "Those of us who live alone would love to have a household bubble. In the past year I haven’t visited anyone, apart from going to family at Christmas."
And a Deputy writes:
"For two months we have not permitted our children their partners nor our grandchildren into the house . And this to carry on being against the rules from 22 Feb. So now we are told it's ok then it because . We can go to a restaurant and eat out with them for two and half hours. Unlike our homes which we control the risk in the restaurant we have no control over the risk nor from other dinners . Are we supposed to believe this in the interests of people's health . Comment from a family member worth repeating .. " it's about money are we to taken as fools .' All the evidence shows that trust is key"."
Guernsey so sensibly opens up with limited and gradually growing household bubbles. And the Chief Minister refuses point blank to consider such a sensible option which helps mental health - and instead has this restaurant opening strategy, which as my friend in the UK points out, led to their second lockdown.
The Grand Strategy: It's the Economy, Stupid!
Jersey's Grand Strategy. Don't even think of household bubbles. No household mixing. But if you go out to a restaurant, you can socially mix with another household as long as there is 2 metre distancing. And you wear your mask when not eating, so are putting it on, taking it off, precisely what they tell us not to do with advice to wear a mask on streets between shops. Contradictions like this don't surprise me, because the underlying principle is to get hospitality open first.
A friend writes: "Those of us who live alone would love to have a household bubble. In the past year I haven’t visited anyone, apart from going to family at Christmas."
And a Deputy writes:
"For two months we have not permitted our children their partners nor our grandchildren into the house . And this to carry on being against the rules from 22 Feb. So now we are told it's ok then it because . We can go to a restaurant and eat out with them for two and half hours. Unlike our homes which we control the risk in the restaurant we have no control over the risk nor from other dinners . Are we supposed to believe this in the interests of people's health . Comment from a family member worth repeating .. " it's about money are we to taken as fools .' All the evidence shows that trust is key"."
Guernsey so sensibly opens up with limited and gradually growing household bubbles. And the Chief Minister refuses point blank to consider such a sensible option which helps mental health - and instead has this restaurant opening strategy, which as my friend in the UK points out, led to their second lockdown.
Remember Boris and "eat out" until it all went horribly wrong. I've been told that I should note there is no excuse for behaviour that endangers innocent members of the community. Quite honestly, and if one could, I'd impeach the Chief Minister and Health Minister on those grounds!
Pre-Natal Scans: A Deficit in Sense and Compassion
Very good points by Deputy Louise Doublet and Senator Sam Mezec on the state of affairs: partners not able to be present at pre-natal scans, while different households will be able to meet and eat at a restaurant, with obviously no face masks while eating or drinking (and talking at the same time). Another example of a government totally out of touch and inconsistent.
The Government is Singing from the Wrong Hymn Sheet
Imogen Nichols: ""I fail to see how 15 grown men huffing and puffing in a rugby scrum is deemed a safe activity when my choir of 15-plus socially distanced teenagers is not and I would like to know please, in the next 48 hours, the reasons why the one is permitted by the Government of Jersey and the other is not so that I may plan the choir's activities for the coming weeks."
Pre-Natal Scans: A Deficit in Sense and Compassion
Very good points by Deputy Louise Doublet and Senator Sam Mezec on the state of affairs: partners not able to be present at pre-natal scans, while different households will be able to meet and eat at a restaurant, with obviously no face masks while eating or drinking (and talking at the same time). Another example of a government totally out of touch and inconsistent.
The Government is Singing from the Wrong Hymn Sheet
Imogen Nichols: ""I fail to see how 15 grown men huffing and puffing in a rugby scrum is deemed a safe activity when my choir of 15-plus socially distanced teenagers is not and I would like to know please, in the next 48 hours, the reasons why the one is permitted by the Government of Jersey and the other is not so that I may plan the choir's activities for the coming weeks."
I fail to see it too. But then the current government has not been noted of late for rational decision making, despite calling on STAC (when it seems useful to do so). As with the families celebrating Christmas Eve, the Government lives in an Ivory castle remote and untouched by the concerns of the wider world.
Remember when the use of gardens was allowed for social distanced meetings, and the Chief Minister expressed surprise (in a Q&A) that there could be gardens only accessed through the house! It's another world.
And finally... from "Yes, Minister"
Hacker: The three articles of Civil Service faith: it takes longer to do things quickly, it's more expensive to do them cheaply and it's more democratic to do them in secret.
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