Friday 16 September 2022

State of Rest

They come, they bow, they nod their heads, curtsey, put hands together in prayer, so many, and every so often I look back at the lying in state, a scene I will never see in my lifetime again. And as we draw near to the funeral, a rondel poem on the lying in state.

State of Rest

Big Ben rings in the distance, a distant sign
Tolling the elegy, as the final curtain falls
The Queen lying in state, in that great hall
At an ending, of a reign so long, so benign

All is still, all is calm, at this sacred shrine
People queue for hours, soft footfalls
Big Ben rings in the distance, a distant sign
Tolling the elegy, as the final curtain falls

The jewels in the crown, her glories shine
Memories of pageants, everyone recalls
Hours go on, the queue, endless, crawls
She gave herself, she was yours, and mine
Big Ben rings in the distance, a distant sign

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