Friday 28 October 2022

Jam and Jersey

A somewhat political one, penned before the elections this year, but worth an outing. The title of course comes from the well known phrase "Jam and Jerusalem" of the WI, and obviously the poem is a spoof. Hideous masterplans and over-developed coastline have been persistent for a good 30 years.

Jam and Jersey

And did developers in ancient time
Walk upon Jersey’s farmland green?
And applications, passed on the nod
On Jersey's pleasant shoreline seen?
And did the Master Plan divine
Let eyesores be build on the top of hills?
And was Gehenna builded here
Among those harbour toxic spills?

Bring me my bank accounts of gold!
Bring me buildings taller than church spire!
Bring me costs dear! Develop and unfold!
Bring me my architecture dire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my plans sleep in my hand,
Till we have built a Concrete Hell
In Jersey’s green and pleasant land.

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