Saturday, 21 December 2024

Advent Journey’s End

My final advent poem looks at the conclusion of a journey, an old story, and yet a story re-enacted in part by all displaced peoples, whether by reason of war or conquest or for political ends.

Advent Journey’s End

When will a journey reach an end?
The departure, forced by the state
An unmarried mother, with a friend
And the hour is already far too late

Dusty roads, so many come and tread
Displaced people, leaving behind home
What of the future: a sense of dread
As onwards, on the move they roam

Arrival: it is packed like a shanty town
Knock on doors, so weary and no bed
Along narrow streets, along and down
Where can the mother lay her head?

This is a lesson all about her survival
A stable found for the child’s arrival

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