A little background gleaned from last time he stood. He was not then an establishment figure, far from it. It will be interested to see if he is reinventing himself this time round. Some of us have good memories, and for those who don't a quick Google enables us to see the following:
Background: Information management consultant with local business that was set up in 2000. Previously a director of Future Systems Limited, an IT and programming company. Achieved media profile in 2004 through his ownership (subsequently temporarily transferred to Senator Ted Vibert) of certain web sites which criticised the Jersey Financial Services Commission.
Honorary and other appointments (past and present):
- Founder member: UK group "Programmers for Charity", which writes a computer program or database for a different charity each year.
- Member: Institute of Analysts and Programmers
- Member: British Computer Society
I am looking to contribute, to make a difference. That's the idea of stepping into politics. Since childhood I have never been the kind to just sit and watch. I'd rather do something and come up with a solution. Right now, I want to work at reducing the costs associated with government. If pruning needs to be done then prune from the top down not the bottom up and let's start with removing free parking for States Members.
What's the most important issue for your district?
Lack of money. I know it sounds like a flippant answer, but people are finding it more and more difficult to cope on the money they earn. Pensioners are not getting cost of living rises, people are worried about the effect of paying ITIS and their last years tax. We need to increase the help we provide without increasing our costs.
There is a mass of duplication in the states which costs millions. I would like to see those millions paying for pensioners TV Licenses, or creating areas for our youth to use up their energy and encourage their abilities.
CHIEF MINISTER: The choice is limited so far to the two who have put their names forward and out of those I would have to choose Senator Syvret.
He is the only one who could accept the position past 2010 when most of the tax and finance policies come into effect. We don't need a Chief Minister who is not going to be there just before we have to face the EU with our fiscal policy. I would like to believe though that there will be a third or maybe fourth choice candidate dependant on the new deputies coming into the states.
PRESSURE from the Financial Services Commission put on a trust company to suspend an employee who created a website called the Jersey Financial Scandals Collection was an 'absolute disgrace', Senator Ted Vibert told the States on Tuesday. Other members said that moves to 'gag' former Senatorial candidate Adrian Walsh, a trust company IT manager, by forcing him to remove the website were a serious infringement on his freedom of expression. Senator Stuart Syvret argued that the perception that the Island was silencing dissenting voices would harm its reputation far more than any damage the website could do. Mr Walsh's website was critical of aspects of Jersey's finance industry and its regulators, and made comments about the FSC's director general, David Carse.
1966: Crianches entouor un mitheux
* Crianches entouor un mitheux*
*Lé Ménage ès Feuvres,*
*St. Ouën,*
*Lé 9 dé juilet, 1966*.
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
“ Si j'allais d'pichi un m...
1 day ago
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