Some interesting statistics out of the States Strategic Plan (also known as the pre-election publicity splurge for ministers because of its interesting timing!).
Even by their own internal assessment, Transport and Technical Services has a damming rating of 20% off track, and 50% on the amber (delays) category, mostly due to funding failures. I'd be hugely surprised in Guy de Faye retains his post even if he retains his seat, but I don't think it is entirely his fault, although his attitude doesn't help.
Some of the tick boxes seem a little out. For instance:
In 2006/7 investigate the feasibility and potential efficiency savings of providing regulatory services in partnership with Guernsey and report back to the States (CM)
That is ticked as "completed", but the outcome is rather paltry.
Various potential initiatives were raised by the CoM with Guernsey's Policy Council, none of which the Policy Council wished to pursue. This will be revisited later in 2008
If it is being "revisited", forgive me for being thick, but it doesn't really seem completed, does it?
This one is also important, and incomplete, but ticked off as complete:
In 2006 engage the relevant authorities in France, through appropriate channels, in discussions, and, in 2007 or earlier, bring forward measures to provide improved communication in relation to the nuclear activities on the Cotentin peninsula and compensation arrangements in the event of a nuclear accident (CM)
And the result:
Close links on emergencies planning and notification of incidents established between Emergency Planning Officer and authorities in Normandy; consultation with MOJ on compensation available under the Paris-Brussels conventions.
"Consultation" doesn't exactly sound as if anything is fixed regarding compensation, does it? Or is there a nice agreement lurking somewhere that I missed?
Health has several items in the "red", and with the new sunken road, the lack of progress on this one is, I feel, significantly bad:
In 2007; debate and implement an Air Quality Strategy for Jersey, including proposals for monitoring and publishing levels of local air pollution, and targets, policies and timescales for reductions in air pollution levels that reflect best practice globally (P&E) Note: This is the responsibility of the Environmental Health Team at Health & Social Services
Under "green", for ongoing and on-track, Planning have this!
Develop a viable proposal in 2006 to provide a new town park for St Helier within three to four years (P&E/TTS)
with the comment (and failure of the spell-checker in their PDF!):
Work underway to develop porposals (sic) for remediation, provision of new park and development of public car parking facilility.
and given the failure of Stuart Syvret to get anyone to look into toxic metals on the Waterfront, is it any wonder that the following is "red":
In 2007; consult on, then debate and implement, a Contaminated Land Strategy (P&E). Slippage due to competing priorities.
Social security is extremely short, and has nothing at all about supporting any kind of work schemes for mentally handicapped adults leaving the education system - who may well find that they have nothing to do except stay with their carers. It is wonderful how you can get ticks for "green" and "completed", and solve the difficult problems by just ignoring them.
*G. W. de Carteret*
- Missice Charlotte Crespin
- Maria Jenkins
- Missice Liza Halledoque
6 hours ago
1 comment:
These quarterly updates on each ministerial department's progress is what Scrutiny should be allowed to focus on. Instead we find our Scrutineers continually performing much of the departmental research for them. An alternative to T&TS's incinerator is a case in point.
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