This is horribly incomplete, but at the rate they are expanding, if I don't put something down, I'll never do so. More to follow later....
This is the Constable of St Saviour's blog. Don't expect much comment about the States here, it is all about Parish events, like the St Saviour's entry in the Battle of Flowers, Jeux Intervilles, St Saviour in bloom etc. But very well done as a celebration of those aspects of Parish Life. We need these "glimpses of eden", life does not revolve around politics all the time. Although it is a little strange to have quite such an omission of anything political!
The informed and intelligent rural scene from someone at the cutting edge. This has an interesting variety of articles, from those about farming - from the farmer's perspective - to GM food, waste disposal, the environment, global warming and Imagine Jersey. For events like Imagine Jersey, or the The Jersey Care Leavers' Association public meeting, expect meticulous detailed reports that are a boon to those whom, like myself, are unable to easily attend, and who do not like relying on the inadequate precis of the Jersey Evening Post. These reports remind me of the old days when the JEP would devote pages and pages to States debates, meetings etc, before the era of the quick "sound-bite". The other comments, on GM Food, Global Warming etc are also well reasoned, with lots of useful links to primary sources. Interwoven with this, are his personal stories, the farming year, planting chestnut trees, stories of how St Ouen folk rally round when flooding strikes. Wonderful!
A Jerseyman in Poland. A mixture of comments from afar, some interesting stuff on Poland, and how the news appears from far abroad. As well as the manifesto he would have given if he had been in Jersey and eligible for election; being in Poland for so long disqualified him. A very strong environmentalist from St Ouen who comments a lot on those matters, and is appalled how little consideration is given to that by the Jersey States.
The State of Jersey. An infrequent poster, mostly critical of GST, but a good clearing house for information with his directory at:
Cameron Harris' Blog
A combination of posts on computer technology, computer games and robotics intersperced with traffic issues. The traffic issues are local, the others are more general, but very interesting. If you want to see one vision of the future as seen by a young man, look at "Brains in Jars", a thought-proving and intelligent posting. Good stuff on the deficiencies of Jersey transport by someone who uses the buses.
Really good photographs of Jersey, with a cluster of photos for each theme - e.g. Moonlight Parade, La Coupe Lookout Tower, and several on "Nite" which are really classy views of parts of St Helier by night.
Mostly about writing, but the odd Jersey theme like the Battle of Flowers
If your're not there, I haven't forgotten you - this is only part 1!
1966: Crianches entouor un mitheux
* Crianches entouor un mitheux*
*Lé Ménage ès Feuvres,*
*St. Ouën,*
*Lé 9 dé juilet, 1966*.
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
“ Si j'allais d'pichi un m...
1 day ago
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