I rather like the anonymous Tweeter who goes under the name of "Ringbinder", after Alan Maclean's notorious ringbinder, which nudged over the voting button at a critical time, and gave the deciding vote needed for the town park. Here are some Ringbunder tweets, ascerbic and cynical, but that can be a breath of fresh air, reminding me of "Hardbencher" alias Betty Brooke.
Ringbinder is back from hols @ the typing pool & ready for the States. I see the usual time wasting questions are back from their hols too!
Ha ha! Dep Tadier is talking about the reputation of Jersey. This buffoon has done more to damage Jersey's reputation than anyone we know
Listening to Deputies Pitman & Tadier, you'd almost think they wanted Jersey to be on the French Black list. Where's their loyalty to Jersey
Tell Dep Baudains that the individual telephone numbers are not in the back of the JT Directory. Is this really good use of States time??
Is the Deputy of Grouville a one trick pony! Apart from the Gorey Cycle Track, does she have any knowledge of any other States projects?
"will the minister get off his backside?" Will the Const of St John learn some parliamentary language?
Our stationery cupboard inhabitants tend to take comedians seriously & politicians as a joke.. I wonder how many others agree? #justasking
Sean Power, meantime is thumping the planning drum, and "begorra", it is tough being on a Planning Panel! I imagine that it can be hard to be on a Planning Panel, where you have to make difficult decisions, but I do wonder at the judgement of anyone who thinks Rob Duhamel has been a "model Minister" - maverick Minister would be a better description. Deputy Duhamel throws out ideas, sometimes half-baked, and never seems to have the thorough follow-through that is needed - case in point, the recent comments he made about asbestos waste, which were thrown out without consulting his Civil Servants, and nearly scuppered talks with a company about disposal of asbestos. Anyway, here is a taste of Deputy Power's Tweets:
Brickbats across the Assembly Chamber this morning on planning. Members do not want to serve on Planning Panel but happy to ask leading Q's
The CO-OP has the misfortune to own an island site at Charing Cross. Decide on location of deliveries and height and job done
Rob Duhamel has been a model Minister in the way he has handled all the challenges, in house, outside and from all those that dislike him
Reform of the States is up again, again, again, again and again............self-serving, self-protecting, self-interest.....and change??
BBC Radio Jersey meanwhile has been looking at education, tweeting:
Professor Ed Sallis - the former principal of Highlands College - says planned changes to Jersey's education system need to be published
They also had an old interview from last year, in which Patrick Ryan was prevaricating about the delays to the much anticipated Green Paper, and in which he repeatedly said that some of the items on it were being implemented anyway, and "education reforms were steaming ahead". If he uses metaphors like steamships, it is perhaps no wonder that the good ship education and its cargo of green paper has not yet arrived at harbour. Let's hope it has not struck an iceberg, because of course, any changes made which reflect on fee paying schools, as Deputy Ryan knows only too well, would not be good for his chances of re-election next year. Icebergs ahead, and the prudent Captain Ryan, like Stanley Lord of the California, drops anchor, and has radio silence until it is too late to do anything.
RussellLabey is tweeting about the Minister for External relations, as a possible exercise in Empire Building. It does depend who gets the post; if Senator Bailhache, I can forsee more civil servants being taken on board, and budgets increased, just like "Yes Minister".
States of Jersey Minister for External Relations - more expensive empire building, be careful what you wish for...
James Rondel meantime has a tweet about the nonsensical way in which he has had to provide paperwork to a department which could easily obtain them from the Student Finance office in the same building - joined up government it is not. Do you remember we were promised once that all the new Ministerial government would give us efficiencies and "joined up" government? When politicians speak in clichés, it is clearly good reason to distrust them:
Social Security Minister admits Student Finance are located in the same building as his dept... Strange communication seems to be nil!
"Streamlining the service of communication" sounds like spin. I have to provide his dept with a copy of my birth certificate to show that I am a student, and to cover missing contributions. Why is his Dept incapable of communicating with Student Finance? #samebuilding
TheVoiceJersey is tweeting about the recent Stuart Syvret court case, although since this refusal to give details on cost, Chief Minister Ian Gorst has since made a statement after the States sitting, in which he have the costs of the court case as being in the public interest; he did the same when he gave out details of Bill Ogleys' golden handshake. I rather like the way in which he reflects on matters and changes his mind, and gives details - something his predecessor Terry Le Sueur seemed unable to do.
Chief Minister refuses to tell us how much secret court case cost the taxpayer.
Chief Minister refuses to explain why data protection was used and not libel
LeahFergusonITV tweets on question time in the States, and mentions the sum involved - £400,000. If I was unduly cynical, I'd suggest that probably represents one day in court, and some rather high-powered lawyers. But, as they, say, justice must be done, and justice must be seen to be done. Except that it was held in secret.
Politicians are back from their holidays, meeting for the first States sitting. Many questions on France putting Jersey on tax blacklist.
Dep Tadier asks when will the real reason for the French blacklisting be revealed. Chief Min says seeking to understand how problem arose.
The atmosphere in the States has hit a lighter hearted note as politicians discuss phonebook distribution.
Social Security Minister says he's "not on a witch hunt" in bringing in sanctions against people who walk out of work for no just reason.
Chief Minister reveals legal costs in Data Protection case against former Senator Stuart Syvret are almost £400,000.
Politics Jersey has a snippet revealing Patrick Ryan's thinking, which needs a bit of deciphering - a replacement school for Les Quennevais will be built on a different site. Let's hope it is not like the change to Haut Vallee, where staff had to re-apply for their own jobs.
Les Quennevais School likely to be rebuilt in St Brelade if Education can get the money. Minister rules out rebuilding existing school
And so the debate tweets on about Foreign Minister, which was decided in favour - 35 for, 10 against, with one abstention. I like the way in which the term has changed. Back in April, when it was first mooted, the position was the "Minister for External Affairs", but now it has changed to the much less comical "Minister for External Relations".
So alas one can no longer joke about the double entendre, and imagine the Minister enjoying naughty weekends away; instead we have the much more humdum "Minister for External Relations", and the most one can do with that is to imagine the Minister keeping tabs on Great-Grandma in Scotland and other elderly relatives.
DeputyMacon Beginning the debate on whether or not to create an external relations minister.
politicsjersey CM describes External Relations Minister as essential to represent Jersey overseas. Sen Ferguson says wait until govt reforms are resolved
GaelMezec Debate on Foreign Minister is betraying small mindedness of some of our members. Have they heard of globalisation?
SamMezec Typical xenophobic nonsense coming from the States today in the debate on a foreign affairs minister. "Wah wah wah, it's all the UK's fault"
GaelMezec Dep Southern says we shouldn't create foreign minister when people are unemployed but good foreign relations create jobs?
SamMezec They complain about the ending of the reciprocal health agreement and how bad the UK was, when it was Jersey that lied about the money.
SamMezec They complain about the ending of LVCR and how bad the UK was, when it was Jersey that abused it and helped them lose money.
SamMezec Was just about to tweet the phrase "delusions of grandeur" when Deputy Pitman used it in his speech. Bugger!
SamMezec Social Security department telling people they can get their new work cards printed right away, but 2 people I know had to wait a week
philipozouf States Assembly to commence considering my further strengthening of Public Finance Law which governs States Finances. ow.ly/22AyrZ
SoJRingbinder We're letting our thoughts run wild in the stationery cupboard, can you imagine if Montfort Tadier was the Foreign Minister!? #doomed
GaelMezec Dep Pitman making debate on Foreign Minister about independence. Its about 'more independence' not 'complete independence'.
SamMezec @SoJRingbinder Or alternatively you could imagine Philip Bailhache. If you think Tadier would screw it up, have a think about Bailhache...
SamMezec Constable Gallichan bemoans more talk of reform, yet it's partly her fault things are as they are as she helped hijack Electoral Commission.
SoJRingbinder Deputy of St Mary... I'm sure he's a very nice chap, but he's a bit like the 20mph speed limit in his parish... too slow!
SamMezec @GaelMezec Nothing wrong with suggesting that "more independence" is actually about making "complete independence" easier.
SoJRingbinder @SamMezec Well let's hope Montfort stands for the position. I'll happily bet you £10 that he doesn't get it. Wonderful thing democracy!
SamMezec @SoJRingbinder I'd happily bet you £1,000 he doesn't get it. It's a done deal, that's why it's so crooked.
politicsjersey and with that done the CM expects to make appointment at a States sitting soon
SoJRingbinder @politicsjersey Great news. I wonder how many ring binders they'll need to kit out the new department? Some overseas travel needed I think!!
1966: Crianches entouor un mitheux
* Crianches entouor un mitheux*
*Lé Ménage ès Feuvres,*
*St. Ouën,*
*Lé 9 dé juilet, 1966*.
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
“ Si j'allais d'pichi un m...
2 days ago
It is when you write guff like this that your reputation plummets. My 'loyality' to Jersey - my home island - is there for all to see. I tackle the abuses, the cons that 95% of States Members and others do not have the Testicular Fortitude or enough care for others to take on. Fact. If you do not understand the tax issues then just say so - that is surely better than just throwing out silly comments as you do above. Indeed, if you carry on like this I will not lend you my Citizen Smith boxset dvd!
Trevor, I don't mention you once! I do quote Ringbinder's Tweets and he does. But that's his opinion, not mine! I don't think that, nor do I have any view like that on Deputy Labey!
And I also - to show balance - quote a good deal of Sam Mezecs Tweets.
You must learn to distinguish between quotation and approval. I enjoy the acerbic nature of his Tweets, but that doesn't mean I agree with them, just as I enjoy the outrageous nonsense of Richard Dawkins.
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