Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Storm in Tweets

One thing I like about Twitter is its immediacy, the way in which it can capture unfolding events, and each separate tweet builds up an unfolding picture. It's rather like that game of "consequences", where you fold a paper and pass it to the next person to add their piece.
Here are a choice selection of Tweets mostly covering Jersey and Guernsey from the High Tide to a few minutes ago (11.15 pm), as the storm breaks over Jersey. They've been "reversed" from my Twitter feed so that they appear in chronological order. My favourite Tweet has to be the one at the start by Tori Orchard, which almost suggests that the people rather than the waves, might have brought the stones!
Kevin Pamplin ‏@KevinPamplin
It's hide tide in #JerseyCI now! Reports at the moment on the coasts sea water spraying over the sea walls no reports of flooding yet.
Tori Orchard ‏@ToriOrchard
high tide now - people watching as waves coming over walls, bringing stones with them @bbcjersey
Tori Orchard ‏@ToriOrchard 
'Rockfall car park' area closed due to partial flooding in St Aubin. Waves getting bigger
Sophia Bird ITV ‏@SophiaWeather 
As Islands cope with high tides now and severe gale force winds, what will tomorrow hold? Plus: More wind & rain expected through week.
Binky Bowles-Balls ‏@TheOnlyGuru 
Over and out from somewhere blowing blowily #JinsyCI
Stay safe one & all.
Nightly Bye x
Nicola Gibbons ‏@NickyGibbons 
Slowly filling up at bulwer avenue with 10 mins to high tide cars still attempting to drive through @GuernseyPress
Sophia Bird ITV ‏@SophiaWeather 
"@lucyc1000: MASSIVE waves near havre des par @itvchanneltv @SophiaWeather" golly- hope no stones in those waves.
Sophia Bird ITV ‏@SophiaWeather 
Rain (moving north east) clear to scattered showers, but strong/gale force winds continue for many more hours
Jersey Electricity ‏@electricjersey
Extra standby repair crew available tonight to assist with overhead power line damage if needed. JE emergencies pls call 505050.
Nicola Gibbons ‏@NickyGibbons 
Bulwer avenue now completely submerged @GuernseyPress
Sarah Solftley ‏@sarahsolftley 
Bulwer avenue and the sea front flooding as the high tide hits @BBCGuernsey
States of Jsy Police ‏@JerseyPolice
Tree down on route de Maufant right by rue de vignette - S bend , thanks Sammy
Jon Ozanne ‏@jonogsy
BREAKING: Police are saying Bulwer Avenue is completely impassable @BBCGuernsey
Helena Carter ‏@HelenaCarterITV 
Water levels continuing to rise. Locals concerned for their property as water seeps across road & into houses
Jon Ozanne ‏@jonogsy 
BREAKING: Reports coming in that parked cars are being moved by the floodwaters by Longstore @BBCGuernsey
Kevin Pamplin ‏@KevinPamplin 
RT "@gsyelectricity: Due to a flooded substation near Havelet Bay an estimated 300 customers have lost supply in the St Peter Port area."
Ashleigh ‏@AshleighSoprano
It's terrifying out there! Force 11, high tide, flooding. Really glad I'm inside. Thoughts & prayers with the emergency services!
Steve Pearce ‏@pearceways
@JerseyPolice Small tree down at La Rue de la Lourderie
Saint Clement, blocking road to traffic
William Green ‏@politicseditor 
30ft tree blown down, blocking road #Guernsey #weather #storms
Tori Orchard ‏@ToriOrchard 
Some very high waves coming over pier at St Aubin - boat owners fastening boats down again
Kevin Pamplin ‏@KevinPamplin
RT "@pearceways: @JerseyPolice Small tree down at La Rue de la Lourderie
Saint Clement, blocking road to traffic"
Liz Walton ‏@guernseyliz14 
@GaryBurgessITV It's all a bit scary. Keep safe everyone!
Gary Burgess ‏@GaryBurgessITV 
I'm currently in the bus heading home and it's rather wild outside! Warmth and shelter is nearing.
Gary Burgess ‏@GaryBurgessITV 
I'm currently in the bus heading home and it's rather wild outside! Warmth and shelter is nearing.
France 3 Bretagne ‏@france3Bretagne 
Tempête Petra. La #Bretagne en alerte orange aux vents jusqu'à 140 kmh et aux vagues
Phillip Schofield ‏@Schofe 
Going to bed with the wind & rain battering the house & thinking of you if you're in the grip of this storm
Sophie Wild ‏@SophWild88 
Feel for the people whose homes and businesses are currently flooded by tonight's storms :(  Respect to the emergency services!! #staysafe
Stocks Hotel Sark ‏@SarkHotel 
Tad breezy @Sark_Island ce soir. Clinging to the rock. Thankful for being a plateau tonight. 60m above the turbulent ocean.
James William Dingle ‏@thetallbear 
Guernsey seems to be taking a right battering tonight!!! #cistorm
Deputy Mary Lowe ‏@DeputyMaryLowe 
Many islanders concerned as this storm hits us,spare a thought for all the emergency services,volunteers & media out there working in it.
Jon Ozanne ‏@jonogsy 
Reports coming in that the income tax office is being flooded. Don't worry about your return, it's just the foyer.
Peter Ould ☩ ‏@PeterOuld 
Windy and wet in Gloucester tonight
Kevin Pamplin ‏@KevinPamplin
RT "@lucyc1000: @KevinPamplin Havre des pas area has HUGE waves" I'm on my way!
Anna Brehaut ‏@Annab1991
It's going to be a long night for many. Never seen/heard anything like it. Hope everyone stays safe! #GuernseyStorm
Jon Ozanne ‏@jonogsy
Vehicle that drove through Civil Protection Volunteer cordon is stopped and given a stern word @BBCGuernsey
Guernsey Press ‏@GuernseyPress
About 300 homes in Town are without power after a sub station flooded
Paul Mahrer ‏@gj0kyz
Just come back from St. Catherine; the sea was unbelievable there. I'm just uploading a video to YouTube now.
Islandsnapper ‏@Islandsnapper
@StuartSyvret Absolutely, love the speed of the clouds tonight , make for dramatic scenes ... Was close to heading out.
Phil Vieira ‏@philv86
Live in the middle of St. Helier and my house is trying it's hardest to take off by the sounds from windows , bloody hell! #cistorm
Kevin Pamplin ‏@KevinPamplin 
TRAVEL: Update La Neuve Route in St Aubin now open in both directions.
LibertyBus ‏@LibertyBusje
Havre Des Pas now open.
Gary Burgess ‏@GaryBurgessITV
@JsyFire @KevinPamplin well said. It's gone 11pm. Just stay in. No outlet needs people out this time of night. Go to bed. Be safe.
Jersey Fire & Rescue ‏@JsyFire
@KevinPamplin what happened to stay in & stay safe?
We don't need any more pictures of wind, waves or floods, but we do need our radio man!
Kevin Pamplin ‏@KevinPamplin
TRAVEL: Just in - Neuve Route now open East bound, Havre des Pas still closed! I'm heading out to the area. More soon.
anneka saunders ‏@azzwoo  15m
Stay safe guernsey... #flooding
BBC Radio Jersey ‏@bbcjersey  14m
Another red alert storm warning issued for 10am Weds. Spare a thought tonight for all the TTS, police and honoraries keeping us safe.
Rebecca ‏@PlantGirl4  11m
this is one extreme storm, Jersey is hanging in there, literally!
States of Jsy Police ‏@JerseyPolice
La Neuve Route in St Aubin, Havre des Pas and Gorey Coast Road clear and reopened.
Jessica S ‏@JessicaS_PZ
Never seen the word "phenomenal" in the shipping forecast before. *gulp*
Kevin Pamplin ‏@KevinPamplin
Thanks for the tweets but of course being a responsible grown up heading my own advice plenty protected & sheltered & indoors #Windy

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