Friday 4 October 2024

1974 - 50 Years Ago - October Part 1

1974 - 50 Years Ago - October Part 1

1.—-Jersey’s “Miss Battle of Flowers” 20-year-old Sue de "Gruchy, is to visit Northern Ireland later this month and become “ Miss Ropal Hussar ”. The Hussars (Prince of Wales Own) made the invitation because the Channel Islands fall within their recruiting area. and Miss de Gruchy was delighted to accept. She will visit the Regiment, which is stationed in Ulster, from October 17 to 20.

2.--Mr. Phillip Misson,‘ Acting Viscount for the vast three years, has been appointed Viscount. Mr. Misson is 59, married with one son and lives at Trinity. He was Deputy Viscount under Mr. H. V. Benest from 1966 until the latter’s retirement in 1971. Under a new law, passed this year, the appointment is made by the Bailiff- personally.

3.——-Jersey’s new Medical Officer of Health, Dr Anthony Essex-Cater, moved into his Pier Road office this week with an impressive Public Health pedigree behind. him. Dr Essex-Cater (51) is married with four children. He said this morning that he was still “feeling his way around ” and getting used to the local setup.

4.——-Emergency legislation is :being drafted which it is hoped will be put before the Committee of Agriculture next week to enable the felling and disposal of trees infected with Dutch elm disease to begin as soon as possible.

7.—-—A subsidiary of Property Investments Channel Islands Ltd, Mandarin Investment Ltd. has purchased the premises in Bath Street formerly occupied by “Boudims motor cycle and cycle business”. It is understood that the premises will be offered on a long-term lease and will join the portfolio of CI properties held by Property Investments Channel Islands Ltd, an associated company or Slater-Walker (Jersey) Ltd.

8.--The " Jersey Evening Post ” pro-am golf tournament got off to a splendid start in bright sunshine at La Moye promptly at 9 am

9 .-—-His Excellency the Norwegian Ambassador to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland is paying a courtesy can to Jersey, and this morning he met the Channel Islands Consul, Mr John Huelin.

10 .——The Jersey Bulb and Flower Growers Association’s new flower Shep at the Airport was officially opened by Harbours and Airport Committee president, Deputy Bill Morvan.

11 .-—The amendment to the Children ( Jersev) Law which will permit publication of names of youths appearing at the Island’s courts once they reach the age of 17 has now received the Royal Assent.

12.—Among the winners in the October Premium Bond prize draw were six Channel Islands residents. One won £1,000. and five won 100 each.

14.——The first interviews were held for the post of Director of Fort Regent. Eleven applications have been short-listed for the post, which carries a possible salary of £7,000 on a three- to five-year contract.

15.-—-The Jersey district of the Girls Brigade has received news that Lady Fitzpatrick has agreed to be the local president during her time in Jersey.

16.—-—For the first time since he was named' as Viscount-designate, Mr Misson promulgated and published several laws which have recently received the Royal Assent, by reading them from the base of the statue of King George II in the Royal Square in the traditional manner.

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