Saturday 12 October 2024

Lord of the Storm

One from the archive, from 30/05/2007, but appropriate I think given the hurricanes and storms of  late. The ancients often saw storms as the creation of gods, and in this poem, I have imagined giants invisible, walking and tearing at the land and sea.

Lord of the Storm

I walk the earth in giant strides
Sweeping all before my hands
Along my back, a storm rides
As I step over seas and lands

I walk the earth in giant strides
None can escape upon my way
Yet unseen, my presence hides
As I make trees bow and sway

I walk the earth in giant strides
The thing invisible, mighty, vast
Tearing great houses on all sides
But then I am still, all has passed

I walk the earth in giant strides
One in which nemesis abides.

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