Saturday 5 October 2024

The Dream

The poem today bases its structure, but not its content, on a well-known hymn. Can you guess which one?

The Dream

I heard the night in whisper say
The time has come for rest
Close eyes in weariness, lay down
And enter dream so blest
In a dark place there I was
So weary, worn, and sad
And much in need of resting place,
And night’s call made me glad.

I heard the moon in whisper say
A gentle light I give
Much softer than the raging sun
Where night creatures can live
Caressed by moonbeam, deep I drank
Of her life giving stream
My eyes were opened, soul revived
And so I sang this hymn

I heard the stars in whisper say
Come blessed be the night
In a canopy of black, we rise
The constellations bright
I looked above, and I found
That tapestry so spun
And in soft starlight, I will walk
Till dreaming nights are done

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