Thursday 29 April 2021

Dogs on a Lead from 1 May: A Shaggy Dog Story

Beach restrictions apply to dogs and horses from 1 May 2021. If you want to let your dog off the lead, this is only permitted before 10.30 a.m. or after 6 p.m. from this Saturday.

An old gardener I knew who lived in St Clement near the Parish Hall. His dogs were running loose at Le Hocq on the beach... and it was after 1st May. He was duly summoned to a Parish Hall enquiry. Did you know your dogs were running loose? Yes, but the law said they had to be on a lead. If you looked, you would have seen their leads dangling from them as they ran! They were on a lead. I just wasn’t holding it!

He was let off with a caution, and it was suggested, tongue in cheek, that he might like to join theb honorary police, as they could do with his legal expertise.

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