Two hotels in Jersey with picture postcard views could be making way for housing projects. An application for planning permission has been made to demolish the Beau Couperon Hotel which overlooks Rozel Harbour. Under the plans ten apartments will be built on the site. And at Bonne Nuit Bay there are plans to pull down the Cheval Roc Hotel to make way for three houses.
Just when the economy and the value of the pound against the euro makes homegrown holidays - including the Channel Islands - more desirable, yet more hotels in Jersey are closing.
The Beau Couperon features in a guide book "On a clear day you can see France from the bay and when the island was under threat from Napoleon's forces, the British army had soldiers stationed in barracks (now the Beau Couperon Hotel hotel) "
Interestingly, and because of its historical background, the Beau Couperon features in a planning intention made in March 2008.
The Minister for Planning and Environment; confirmed his intention to list Rozel Barracks (Beau Couperon Hotel), Le Mont de Rozel, St Martin as a Site of Special Interest authorised the service of the Notice of Intent to List. The special interest of Rozel Barracks (Beau Couperon Hotel), Le Mont de Rozel, St Martin, as defined and assessed relative to the published criteria for selection, justifies its inclusion on the List of Sites of Special Interest in accordance with the provisions and purposes of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 and the States Strategic Plan. The Planning and Environment Department requested on 4 December 2007 that the Jersey Heritage Trust assess the architectural, historical and other interests of Beau Couperon Hotel ahead of discussions with the Ministerial Registration and Listing Advisory Group.
This was then taken forward in May 2008:
The Minister for Planning and Environment determined that; Rozel Barracks (Beau Couperon Hotel), Le Mont de Rozel, St Martin be added to the List of Sites of Special Interest. 1. The special interest of Rozel Barracks (Beau Couperon Hotel), Le Mont de Rozel, St Martin, as defined and assessed relative to the published criteria for selection, justifies its inclusion on the List of Sites of Special Interest in accordance with the provisions and purposes of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 and the States Strategic Plan. 2. It accords with the States Strategic Plan commitment of protecting and sympathetically managing the Island's built heritage assets.
Purpose of the Report: This report seeks the Ministers confirmation of the listing of Rozel Barracks (Beau Couperon Hotel), Le Mont de Rozel, St Martin.
So what is going to happen with the Special Interest designation? Is the hotel going to be demolished or not? Are they planning to ignore history?
1966: Crianches entouor un mitheux
* Crianches entouor un mitheux*
*Lé Ménage ès Feuvres,*
*St. Ouën,*
*Lé 9 dé juilet, 1966*.
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
“ Si j'allais d'pichi un m...
1 day ago
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