A light hearted romp from through the events of the year, to a well known tune. A shorter version of this (minus political verses!) went into La Baguette (the Parish Magazine for St Brelade). The political verses came from a friend of mine, and I think fit very well indeed, so here is a version not seen elsewhere. La Baguette quite rightly stays away from politics, but on my blog, it is permissible!
I'm dreaming of a light Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
No JEC cable breaking
And power cut making
To leave us freezing in the snow
I'm dreaming of a blue Christmas
Royal blue, and flags a waving
Beacon from Noirmont see ablazing
Jubilee we had such celebrating
I'm dreaming of a yellow Christmas,
Jogging with the Olympic Torch, I go
Past the Elephant in the Park
It really is such a lark
To run with trainers in the snow
I'm dreaming of a green Christmas
Sea lettuce on beaches, such a blight
A letter to the JEP, I think I'll write
And may all your seaweed be out of sight
I'm dreaming of a red Christmas
With Pitman, Tadier and Co
When the snow flakes flutter
Again you'll hear them mutter
Its time, the establishment must go
I'm dreaming of a grey Christmas
With two Phils Alan Mac and Co
When the tree tops glisten
They'll still not listen
To those who really have the know
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know.
La Baguette will still deliver
Even if cold winds make us shiver
Merry Christmas and Ho, Ho, Ho
*G. W. de Carteret*
- Missice Charlotte Crespin
- Maria Jenkins
- Missice Liza Halledoque
4 hours ago
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