Back from Guernsey, and Saturday poem this week is a breezy narrative romp through our travels. We went on the Tuesday, returned on the Thursday, and packed quite a lot in!
Guernsey Holiday
Over to Guernsey, from Jersey we came
That island of Toilers of Sea to its fame
We went across on the ferry, fast as can be
To the jewels of islands, scattered in sea
As Victor Hugo once said, now he is dead
But his spirit lives on, there's a bust of his head
And in Candie gardens, a large statue looks out
To Herm and to Sark, his figure so stout
Over to Guernsey, from Jersey we came
Me walking with stick, as I'm a bit lame
My girlfriend beside me, walked hand in hand
Up to the tea rooms, a Victorian band stand
Through Candie gardens, by flowers so bright
And by the statues of fauns, a Pagan delight
Up cobbled streets, of old St Peter Port Town
Like the Grand Old Duke, then we came down
Over to Guernsey, from Jersey we came
Wednesday was raining, a bit of a shame
So into the museums, and history to see
We really did like Guernsey's own tapestry
Back into the Town, but still raining away
Katalin played music in Town Church that day
As rain fell outside, there was music within
And then we went out, got soaked to the skin
Over to Guernsey, from Jersey we came
Caught a bus to the bridge, now only by name
Into St Samson's Church, from downpour to hide
And met my friend Tolly, who gave us a ride
Out along country lanes, to coast at L'Ancresse
To Dehus Dolmen, and Gran Mere to bless
And Icart Point cliff tops, a beautiful sight
Rainfall replaced by sun's gentle light
Over to Guernsey, from Jersey we came
A wonderful Island, we had to exclaim
Saw the oldest pillar box in the British Isles
Katalin remarked how it brought out my smiles
But all too soon, our holiday time was over
Time to return home, for the sea faring rover
And a good time was had, despite so much rain
And of all that we did, sweet memories remain.
1966: Acouo des r'mièdes du temps passé
*Acouo des r'mièdes du temps passé*
Lé Ménage ès Feuvres,
St. Ouën.
Lé 6 d'août, 1966.
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
“Un mousse a l'êcole m'a dit à m...
8 hours ago
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