Today, with permission from Carrie Modral to re-post, I have a guest posting from her regarding the Jersey Historic Abuse Inquiry.
Jersey Historic Abuse Inquiry: Guest Posting
by Carrie Modral, Jersey Care Leavers Association
As most of you are aware, I have been actively campaigning for the last six and a half years for the right to justice for many people abused as children whilst in the care of the States of Jersey.
Myself and others have achieved so much over the last few years, putting pressure on our Government to pay compensation to the victims and to hold a Committee of Inquiry (COI) all of which have now (almost) been achieved.
Sadly, most of the victims will never get their day in Court and see their abusers put behind bars such is the Jersey way, but I am hoping and praying that the COI will be fully robust and expose the truth leaving no stone unturned!!
The child abuse investigation was hijacked and trashed to cover up Jersey's dark secrets and now is the time for anyone with any information to come forward and help to expose the truth for all to read. I have worked hard over the last few years,
I have been attacked relentlessly as have my fellow campaigners for daring to expose the truth and fighting for the rights of the abuse victims. Some people including some care leavers dislike me for what I have done and that is fine, this is an emotive subject, people don't want to hear about it over and over again especially the abuse victims where it drags up bad memories and I do understand that, I really do and I am truly sorry if I have hurt anyone by keeping this alive.
This is a plea for all abuse victims in Jersey to please come forward and tell your story to the COI. Each of you have a story to tell, let your story be heard and recorded in Jersey's history for all time! Please don't be nervous about coming forward, the team are compassionate and caring, they want to hear what you have to say and you can ask to remain anonymous. Each and every one of you are part of a big jigsaw, please help me to them to piece that jigsaw together and get the true picture.
If you know of abuse survivors, please persuade them to come forward, this cannot work without them. The enquiry team can be contact on free phone 0800 7350100 or alternatively, if you do not want to make contact yourself, Jill or myself at JCLA will do this for you and you need not be a member. The JCLA office is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday's between 9.30am and 1.30pm and can be contacted on 738351.
Events over the last couple of days have made me realise that my time is almost done now, I need to get on with my life and start the healing process for myself. This has consumed my life for many years, I really don't know how this is going to affect me once I do move on but little steps are all that any of us need when heading into the unknown!
*G. W. de Carteret*
- Missice Charlotte Crespin
- Maria Jenkins
- Missice Liza Halledoque
4 hours ago
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