A reprint of the text of Channel Islands Agreement between the Anglican Deans of the Churches of the Channel Islands, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Winchester and Bishop of Dover.
This first appeared on the blog of Peter Ould, and can be referenced here:
March 2014
The Most Rev and Rt Hon Justin Portal Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury and Metropolitan
The Rt Rev Timothy John Dakin, Bishop of Winchester
The Rt Rev Trevor Willmot, Bishop of Dover in Canterbury
The Very Rev Robert Key, Dean of Jersey
The Very Rev Paul Mellor, Dean of Guernsey
1. The Deaneries of Jersey and Guernsey are part of the Church of England by law established.
2. The Deanery of Jersey extends to the whole of the Bailliwick of Jersey, including its territorial sea and the Deanery of Guernsey extends to the whole of the Bailliwick of Guernsey, including its territorial sea.
3. Since law in council of her late majesty Queen Elizabeth I, dated 11th March 1569, ordinary jurisdiction and episcopal oversight in the islands has been provided by succesive Bishops of Winchester, and the Deaneries are annexed to and united with the Diocese of Winchester, without prejudice to the continuing exercise within the Deaneries of the jurisdiction exercised by the Dean of each respective Deanery.
4. The Canons of the Church of England in Jersey make provision for certain episcopal functions to be performed by, or on behalf of the Bishops, for the time being, of Winchester and are approved by her majesty in council 14 March 2012, and registered in Royal Court of Jersey on 23 March 2012.
5. Save as specifically enacted by schemes made under the provisions of the Channel Islands Church Legislation Measure 1931. The ecclesiastical and Canon Law affecting both Deaneries is contained in the traditions, charters, customs and protocols which attain in the relevant islands.
6. The position of the Deaneries in relation to the Diocese is to be reviewed as advised in this agreement.
7. Pending the outcome of such review, Episcopal Oversight of the Deaneries is to be exercised by the Bishop of Dover.
Now, it is hereby agreed and declared as follows,
The Bishop of Winchester,
(i) appoints the Bishop of Dover as an Assistant Bishop in the Diocese
(ii) delegates to him the Episcopal oversight and functions reserved to the Bishop of Winchester under Jersey Canons and the customs and protocols of the Deanery of Guernsey
(iii) delegates to him such other episcopal functions as may be assigned to the Bishop of Winchester in all other ecclesiastical legislation, canons, customs and protocols as may apply in the islands
The Bishop of Dover confirms he will exercise the episcopal functions delegated to him while in canonical obedience to the Archbishop of Canterbury and pay due regard to the provisions of the Jersey Canons and the other ecclesiastical canon laws, customs and protocols as pertain on the islands, and in such manner as will minimise administrative disruption and expense for Winchester and Canterbury.
The parties will work with the Archbishop of Canterbury in all respects to ensure that every part of the Church of England provides a safe environment for all person who worship in and are ministered to by our churches.
Recognising the ministry of the whole Church of England and the islands as part of it, the Deans of Jersey and Guernsey will use their best endeavours to encourage payment of the agreed parish share for 2014 on completion of this agreement to the Canterbury Diocesan Board of Finance.
The Archbishop, after consultation, will appoint a commission as to the legal relationship of the Church of England on the islands to the Church of England on the mainland, and make any recommendations for change that they consider necessary.
As witnessed
1966: Crianches entouor un mitheux
* Crianches entouor un mitheux*
*Lé Ménage ès Feuvres,*
*St. Ouën,*
*Lé 9 dé juilet, 1966*.
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
“ Si j'allais d'pichi un m...
1 day ago
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