Saturday 12 October 2024

Lord of the Storm

One from the archive, from 30/05/2007, but appropriate I think given the hurricanes and storms of  late. The ancients often saw storms as the creation of gods, and in this poem, I have imagined giants invisible, walking and tearing at the land and sea.

Lord of the Storm

I walk the earth in giant strides
Sweeping all before my hands
Along my back, a storm rides
As I step over seas and lands

I walk the earth in giant strides
None can escape upon my way
Yet unseen, my presence hides
As I make trees bow and sway

I walk the earth in giant strides
The thing invisible, mighty, vast
Tearing great houses on all sides
But then I am still, all has passed

I walk the earth in giant strides
One in which nemesis abides.

Friday 11 October 2024

1974 - 50 Years Ago - October Part 2

1974 - 50 Years Ago - October Part 2

17.--From January 1 next year, air fares between Jersey and the UK and between the Channel Islands themselves, will be increased by 7 ½ percent.

18.——J. Richardson re-elected Constable of Trinity.

19 .—States Housing Committee' may launch home design contest. Evaine, the only 12 metre racing yacht, falls at her moorings in St Aubin’s Harbour. Major Christopher Davey flies the. Army’s first hot-air balloon.

20;--Twenty-one members of the JEP Junior Club left for a week’s holiday in Majorca. They were accompanied by two representatives of the paper and several parents.

21 .-—Colour television will not be available till 1976 unless the BBC reverse a decision to withdraw from a joint operation with Channel Television.

22.—Waste heat from Sewerage Board Plant may be used to make electricity. CTV says colour on target for 1976.

23.—“Fire raiser” Terence Roy Hutchings (25), of Gorey, sentenced to 6 years jail by Royal Court :for setting fire to garages and cars. George J. Singh, business man, sues lawyers Gruchy, Gibault and Voisin for breach of duty, and claims £42,500.

24. Full Court sentences four men up to 6 years for sodomy, etc.. Housing Committee to investigate illegal occupation of property. [ In 1990, Jersey legalized homosexual sex with The Sexual Offences Law (1990)]

25.—Deputy Philip Bailhache of Grouville, and Advocate or Royal Court, is appointed Solisitor-General, the first step on the path to Bailiff. States may set up “ Building Society " to finance house loans. Death of Jersey’s oldest resident, Mrs. L. E. Voisin, aged 103 of 15 Midvale Road .Royal Court grants injunction freezing one million dollar account to Belgium Ministry of Post and Telegraphs and Telephone.

26.-Another gorilla born at Jersey Zoo.

27.—-The‘ first of two JEP parties leave for South Africa. The members of. ” JEP ” Junior Club party returned from Mallorca.

28..Outdoor tomato growers face serious losses due: to poor weather.

29.:The general secretary of the TGWU, Mr. Jack Jones, currently visiting Jersey, said that he would like to see higher wages paid in the Island, for agricultural workers and better conditions for catering workers.

30.—-The Jersey Gas Company are making a survey of appliances in Island homes, with a view to the possible introduction of natural gas.

31.—A 26 year old former estate agent, who ran a pornographic mail order business from a St. Brelade flat in June, was fined £200 today for sending pornographic literature through the post.

Saturday 5 October 2024

The Dream

The poem today bases its structure, but not its content, on a well-known hymn. Can you guess which one?

The Dream

I heard the night in whisper say
The time has come for rest
Close eyes in weariness, lay down
And enter dream so blest
In a dark place there I was
So weary, worn, and sad
And much in need of resting place,
And night’s call made me glad.

I heard the moon in whisper say
A gentle light I give
Much softer than the raging sun
Where night creatures can live
Caressed by moonbeam, deep I drank
Of her life giving stream
My eyes were opened, soul revived
And so I sang this hymn

I heard the stars in whisper say
Come blessed be the night
In a canopy of black, we rise
The constellations bright
I looked above, and I found
That tapestry so spun
And in soft starlight, I will walk
Till dreaming nights are done

Friday 4 October 2024

1974 - 50 Years Ago - October Part 1

1974 - 50 Years Ago - October Part 1

1.—-Jersey’s “Miss Battle of Flowers” 20-year-old Sue de "Gruchy, is to visit Northern Ireland later this month and become “ Miss Ropal Hussar ”. The Hussars (Prince of Wales Own) made the invitation because the Channel Islands fall within their recruiting area. and Miss de Gruchy was delighted to accept. She will visit the Regiment, which is stationed in Ulster, from October 17 to 20.

2.--Mr. Phillip Misson,‘ Acting Viscount for the vast three years, has been appointed Viscount. Mr. Misson is 59, married with one son and lives at Trinity. He was Deputy Viscount under Mr. H. V. Benest from 1966 until the latter’s retirement in 1971. Under a new law, passed this year, the appointment is made by the Bailiff- personally.

3.——-Jersey’s new Medical Officer of Health, Dr Anthony Essex-Cater, moved into his Pier Road office this week with an impressive Public Health pedigree behind. him. Dr Essex-Cater (51) is married with four children. He said this morning that he was still “feeling his way around ” and getting used to the local setup.

4.——-Emergency legislation is :being drafted which it is hoped will be put before the Committee of Agriculture next week to enable the felling and disposal of trees infected with Dutch elm disease to begin as soon as possible.

7.—-—A subsidiary of Property Investments Channel Islands Ltd, Mandarin Investment Ltd. has purchased the premises in Bath Street formerly occupied by “Boudims motor cycle and cycle business”. It is understood that the premises will be offered on a long-term lease and will join the portfolio of CI properties held by Property Investments Channel Islands Ltd, an associated company or Slater-Walker (Jersey) Ltd.

8.--The " Jersey Evening Post ” pro-am golf tournament got off to a splendid start in bright sunshine at La Moye promptly at 9 am

9 .-—-His Excellency the Norwegian Ambassador to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland is paying a courtesy can to Jersey, and this morning he met the Channel Islands Consul, Mr John Huelin.

10 .——The Jersey Bulb and Flower Growers Association’s new flower Shep at the Airport was officially opened by Harbours and Airport Committee president, Deputy Bill Morvan.

11 .-—The amendment to the Children ( Jersev) Law which will permit publication of names of youths appearing at the Island’s courts once they reach the age of 17 has now received the Royal Assent.

12.—Among the winners in the October Premium Bond prize draw were six Channel Islands residents. One won £1,000. and five won 100 each.

14.——The first interviews were held for the post of Director of Fort Regent. Eleven applications have been short-listed for the post, which carries a possible salary of £7,000 on a three- to five-year contract.

15.-—-The Jersey district of the Girls Brigade has received news that Lady Fitzpatrick has agreed to be the local president during her time in Jersey.

16.—-—For the first time since he was named' as Viscount-designate, Mr Misson promulgated and published several laws which have recently received the Royal Assent, by reading them from the base of the statue of King George II in the Royal Square in the traditional manner.