Channel Television is the trading name of Channel Islands Communications (Television) Limited, which is a limited liability company registered in Jersey and is the programme contractor appointed by the Independent Broadcasting Authority for the Channel Islands.

Despite its small size, Channel Television produces an average of three-and-a-half hours of its own programmes each week in its studios in Jersey and Guernsey. Local news is clearly an important element and viewers in the Islands now enjoy an extra late-night bulletin as well as lunch-time news in English and a close-down bulletin and weather report in French. A weekly programme provides information about what's on and a short monthly parliamentary feature is produced. Events and topics of local interest are covered in greater depth in the twice-weekly Report at Six.
The Television Centre, ST HELIER, Jersey, Channel Islands
Tel: 0534 23451
Les Arcades, ST PETER PORT,
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Tel: 0481 23451
Directors. E D Collas (Chairman); K A Killip, OBE (Managing Director); E H Bod¬man; Harold Fielding; M Letto; G Le G Peek; A E O'D Troy; F H Walker.
Officers. Brian Turner (Operations Man¬ager); Phill Mottram Brown (Head of Sales); John Rothwell (Head of News and Features); Miss W M Fearon (Company Secretary).
Staff. The total staff of the company is 64.
Religious Advisory Committee. The Very Rev Tom Goss, Dean of Jersey (representing Anglican Church, Jersey); Rev D Mahy (Roman Catholic, Jersey); Rev Donald R Lee, MBE (Free Churches, Jersey); The Very Rev F W Cogman, Dean of Guernsey (representing Anglican Church, Guernsey); Rev B Fisher, MA (Roman Catholic Church, Guernsey); Rev K E Street (Free Church, Guernsey).
Programme Journal. Channel Television Times is published by Channel Islands Communications (Television) Ltd, and its editorial address is: Smith Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey.
Studios. JERSEY. Studio One 40 ft by 25 ft — three colour cameras equipped with ten to one zoom lenses, and normal sound facilities for television and film recording. Presentation Studio with colour camera. Two colour telecine units for 35mm, slide and 16mm projection with optical, mag¬netic and SEPMAG facilities. In addition one telecine unit equipped with `Coxbox' colour synthesiser for presentation and advertiser's slides.
GUERNSEY. Studio measuring 30 ft by 20 ft designed for live television usage and 16mm film production. A microwave link from Guernsey to Jersey provides for live television inserts from Guernsey into local programmes.
Film Facilities. Channel has two film units, one in Jersey and one in Guernsey. They are equipped with Arriflex 16 BL, Auricon 16mm Pro-600 and Bolex Reflex electrically driven hand-held-sound/silent cameras. Nagra full-track tape recorders equipped with Neopilot sync are used with the above cameras. The station is equipped with transfer facilities from Neopilot ÷ in. tape to double-headed working, using PAG magnetic film recorders. There is a pre¬view theatre equipped with a 16mm projector capable of showing COMOPT, COMMAG, SEPMAG and DUO-SEPMAG films, and a dubbing suite with commen¬tary recording booth. Channel also pro¬cesses and prints its own VNF Colour Film.
Programmes. Channel News, a ten-minute bulletin, transmitted at six o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday — a `hard news' look at the day's events, with filmed and live reports. Channel Lunchtime News, What's on Where and Weather, a twelve-minute bulletin and diary of events taking place in the Channel Islands, followed by a weather forecast and tidal information. The programme is trans-mitted live every weekday.
Report at Six, a 35-minute news and current affairs magazine, transmitted at 6p.m. on Tuesday and Friday. The programme includes full local news coverage, with an extended look at political affairs emanating from the four Channel Islands parliaments. Also included in Report at Six is 'Police File', a live five-minute insert on local crime, presented by a police officer.
Channel Late Night News and Weather, a three-minute round-up of the day's headlines, transmitted live immediately following News at Ten from ITN.
Channel News Headlines, a three-minute bulletin of local news and sports results at 6.10p.m. on Sundays.
Election Specials, Channel provides full coverage of elections for the island parliaments. These include The Hustings and Election Results. Today in the Guernsey States, a five-minute programme covering debate and the decisions made in the parliament's monthly sessions.
Reporting on the weekly meetings of the Jersey States is included in the Tuesday edition of Report at Six.
French speaking inhabitants are provided with several programmes in their own language live on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and Commentaires, a French language current affairs programme on Tuesday nights. Both programmes include a 'Bulletin Meteorologique', a French weather forecast.
Puffin's Birthday Greetings, a daily series of programmes in which Oscar Puffin, the station mascot, sends greetings to young viewers, helped by the duty announcer. On Saturday morning Oscar has his own ten-minute greetings programme, with cartoons.
Link Up, a monthly half-hour programme looking at Channel Islands' religious communities and the questions affecting them.

Jack Douglas at Home, a kitchen chat-show for men, with women in mind, hosted by the comedian and his wife, Susan, with recipes and tips from Jack's guests from the Channel Islands and the world of entertainment.
Channel Report Special, an occasional hour-long programme, designed to examine important island topics in depth. It is generally transmitted live with maxi-mum community participation, phone facilities and a studio audience.