Having dealt with the capital riots last week, I now turn to the inauguration, and a poem about that. Watching it brought feelings of elation and hope.
A cold wind blew, dignitaries well wrapped
Against the frost, for some hands chapped
By bitter weather, but the sun was bright,
That day they gathered, that American way,
Despite all odds, and riots of yesterday;
Solemn, with dignity, they stood, an occasion:
An opening for reason and calm persuasion;
Oath taking, an ancient bible held up high,
Against a backdrop of a bright blue sky;
Past years, shades of Lincoln, on this place,
And the battle cry of fight is met with grace;
A sea change: gone the venom, anger, spite ,
As the last President took departing flight:
The Thane of Cawdor left his bloody throne,
And a dark cloud lifted, hate, anger, flown;
And instead the sign of the dove, of peace:
That hostility, violent words should cease,
For today, at any rate, and a promise held,
At a pageant so brilliant, so unexcelled;
A day of history and hope and renewal:
The cause of democracy, precious jewel;
A time to take a breath, a time to pause:
The Republic shining in its ancient laws,
In this moment: for strife will come back:
The baying of the distant wolf-pack,
In some form or another, a return of hate,
Of a false promise of making great;
And yet for now, hear a singer of the song:
America, the brave, the honest, the strong;
Upon this foundation, hallowed ground,
This land is your land, now the sound,
Of singing, loud, clear, harmonic note,
Of the people’s cry, and the final vote;
And despite destroyers, on a rampage,
The moment comes upon this stage,
A sign of the common folk, writ large,
That democracy should now discharge
Small voices of the ordinary, heard anew:
The mob rages, but could not subdue;
And as an inauguration comes to an end:
Signs of hope and glory now transcend;
The hill we climb, ascending this day,
And so we hope, and so we pray
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