In St Ouen, the new Rector was Edward James Aubin Richardson Rector, who served from 1947-1976, inducted when 37 years old.
He was born on 28 April 1910 in St. Martin, Jersey, when his father, Philip, was 35 and his mother, Florence, was 34. He married (Molly) Marjorie Florence Rudd on 19 August 1940 in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. They had three children during their marriage. He retired from Jersey after her death to Shopshire, when he died on 9 February 1995 at the age of 84.
In St Martin, the new Rector was Edward Cecil Lempriére Rector, who served from 1947-1959 until his death that year at the age of 49.
He was born in 1910 in St. Helier, Jersey, when his father, Walter, was 47 and his mother, Agnes, was 44. He had three brothers and two sisters. He died in 1959 when still Rector at a young age.
Two New Rectors
by V.J. Bailhache
At last. two of our vacant parishes are to receive Rectors. The Rev. Edward James Aubin Richardson, M.A., who is coming to St. Ouen’s, is a son of Advocate P. N. Richardson. Born at Gorey in 1910, he was educated at Felsted School and Exeter College, Oxford, where he gained fame as a Rugby footballer and a Rowing man.
He then went as a schoolmaster to the Church Missionary Society’s College at Cairo. Returning on tramp steamers, he visited Palestine and Greece, and then spent a year at Wycliffe Hall, a Theological College at Oxford.
He was ordained in 1938, and became Curate, and then Succentor, of Bradford Cathedral. He is at present Vicar of Denhohne in the Bronte country. One of his enthusiasms is the Boys‘ Brigade. He has a Wife, an Oxford graduate, and three small children. He hopes to be inducted at the end of April. St. Ouen’s is to be congratulated on its new Rector.
The Rev. Edward Cecil Lempriére, A.K.C., who is going to St. Martin’s, is a son of the late Mr. W. C. Lempriére, Manager of the Midland Bank. He had two Jersey Rectors as grandfathers, his father’s father being the Rev. D. M. Lempriére, Rector of St. Clement’s, and his mother’s father the Rev. T. Le Neveu, Rector of St. Martin’s. He was educated at Victoria College and at King’s College, London, was ordained at Exeter in 1933, and for five years was Curate of Tavistock, Devon.
He then went to South America, and became Vicar of St. Saviour’s Church, Georgetown, in British Guiana, the church of the Chinese immigrants, where all the congregation were Chinamen, and for a time he was also Acting-Vicar of St. James-the-Less, Kitty and on the staff of the Bishop’s High School.
For the last two years he has been Ministre Desservant at St. Ouen’s, and the popularity he has won there is a good omen for lie future work at St. Martin’s. Welcome and best wishes to them both.
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