Saturday 29 May 2021

Omens in the Heavens

From the dawn of time, the night sky has captivated human imagination. I was listening the Radio 4's The Essay on this subject. In the series, Astronomer Dr Stuart Clark gave his personal perspective on how we draw meaning from the stars on 5 essays. And I decided to do a series of 5 poems on the subject. This is the second.

Omens in the Heavens

The cosmic dance, as above, so below
A fiery chariot of the sun god races by
Signs and wonders that we may know
And portents of disaster in the sky

Orion the Hunter, rising, seeks his prey
While men are hunting down below
Until the kill is now, the time to slay
Beneath star Rigel’s blue white glow

The sky exploding, and new star shines
A guest star: portent of great change
Astrologers observe, note the signs
Kepler’s Stella Nova is so strange

I see omens in the Heavens Above
Speaking of life, and death and love

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