There is a contested election for Procureur in the Parish of St Brelade, with John Trafford standing against the current incumbent Peter Norman. I am sure than John is a very worthy man, but he is an unknown quantity (with only one trustee appointment mentioned on his posters), while Peter Norman has proven his worth with considerable background and skills in financial management to his voluntary service to the Parish as Procureur.
I would therefore urge Parishioners of St Brelade to vote for Peter Norman as the best individual for the office.
But what is a Procureur du bien public? The French translates as "attorney of the public good" and the people elected to the office are the legal and financial representative of a parish in Jersey.
Procureurs are elected for a term of three years. There are two Procureurs for each Parish and their duty is to act as public trustees, maintaining an oversight of Parish finances and represent the Parish along with the Connétable in respect of property transactions of the Parish (if so authorised by a vote of the Parish Assembly).
Some background on Peter Norman.
Peter Norman is the former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Normans (building supplies) - a post he held for countless years. Normans are by Jersey standards a very large company which needed stringent financial oversight, and he proved himself able and capable in that position. He is an astute businessman, and as part of the Procureur's remit is to keep a watching eye over Parish finances, he is eminently suitable for the post, and has already a proven record in that position.
It goes without saying that with his background as a former director of Normans, he clearly knows about balance sheets and running a business, skills that important for someone who is effectively a Trustee of Parish finances; he has considerable business skills and acumen of value to the Parish.
Peter is an individual whose heart and history lies in St. Brelade, and who appreciates that the role of Procureur can be as much knowing about the needs of the community as it is to scrutinise proposed expenditure. He understands the importance to take more than the money itself into consideration when making judgements.
Peter is a born and bred Jerseyman and St. Breladaise. He has involved himself in Parish affairs for many years. He is a former Roads Inspector and served on the full Roads Committee. He clearly understands the parish and municipal procedures. His heart and his life is in St. Brelade
As well as honorary involvement in Parish work, he has served as a Samaritan and as a member of the St. Helier Lifeboat crew. He was also a member of the States Rates Appeal Board from 2006 to 2012, recommended because of his financial background.
Please VOTE PETER NORMAN for PROCUREUR on Wednesday.
I went to Procureurs election at St Brelade, earlier to vote, later to take count and photos of candidates shaking hands. 306 votes cast. No spoilt papers. 263 for Peter Norman. 43 for John Trafford. 4.1% turnout. Voting was eased by the Honorary Police managing a "quick stop" for voters outside the Parish Hall, and being there to guide cars from voters in. A really excellent job well done, especially as it is hard to park at St Aubin.
Lettre Jerriaise Samedi l'19 d'Octobre 2002
* Lettre Jerriaise Samedi l'19 d'Octobre 2002*
Ch'èst un pliaisi, comme trejous, pour mé Clifford Laisney d'vos presenter
tchiques patholes dans ma pr...
3 days ago
Am I right that the PdBP also takes the place of the Constable should the latter die or be otherwise incapacitated?
...and the result was...?
(I note that BBC Radio Jersey obviously don't think that it was newsworthy)
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