Friday 15 February 2019

Les Quennevais School 1966 - Part 7

Here is the next part of the 1966 booklet produced on Les Quennevais School. If anyone knows the students named in the photos, I'd love to have memories of them for the next post.

Les Quennevais School 1966 - Part 7

A lot of work in the school leads directly into outside activities. The Gnome dingies and canoes seen in our workshop court are used by boys and girls.

Much of this work centres on St. Aubin's Fort, where Mr. Jennett, Organiser of Outdoor Activities, joins forces with school staff.

Mr. Jennett here gives instruction in abseiling on the wall of the Fort.

To round off a morning's work, pupils eat their midday meal in the school dining room.

Dinners are cooked for over a hundred pupils every day.

In the evening senior pupils may join adult activities.

There were fifty-seven classes and club sessions to choose from this session.

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