I've just received a press announcement going to the general media and myself from Deputy Roy Le Hérissier, Roy is standing again for Deputy in St Saviour, No 3 District.
Roy is a man with considerable knowledge of the history of Jersey's government as the author of the excellent book "The development of the Government of Jersey, 1771-1972", and he also has the experience and balanced judgement that the States badly needs.
2011 Election for Deputy, St Saviour No 3 District
Deputy Roy Le Hérissier of No.3 District, St. Saviour has announced that he will be running in the forthcoming elections in No. 3 District..
Deputy Le Hérissier believes we are entering very uncertain times and the States ability to deal with vital issues like the future economy, the increasing income pressures upon people ,is being severely hampered by increasing polarisation within the States. This has to be tackled by continuing the programme of reform , and by providing a strong counterbalance to the excessive concentration of Ministerial power .
At a Parish level, the consequences of rapid growth are coming home to roost. While preservation of the countryside is vital, communities like Five Oaks are in urgent need of coherent planning and community facilities.
Deputy Le Hérissier is on the Council of the National Trust, the Board of Management of Roseneath Centre as Acting Chairman , the Committee of La Cloche, the Parish Journal ,and a committee member of the Parish Twinning Association
*G. W. de Carteret*
- Missice Charlotte Crespin
- Maria Jenkins
- Missice Liza Halledoque
5 hours ago
Monsieur Pipon must have felt a little like a limpet that day.
Wish I was a St Saviour parishioner as I would vote for this honest man!
Is anyone planning to stand against him?
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