Monday, 6 October 2008

Dark Mornings

I don't want to make a political point as such about the hour change vote, but the mornings are already getting much darker, and accidents are more likely to happen. Please take care when driving on the roads.
Only today, I passed an accident where a boy had been knocked off his bike by a car at a junction in St Brelade. I stopped to see if there was anything I could do, but an ambulance had been called, and there was a knowledgeable "first aider" who had also stopped to help. All I could do was give a picnic rug from my car to keep the poor lad warm as he lay on the road. I felt very inadequate, and wished I could do more, but the ambulance arrived, and they took care of him. He couldn't have been far off one of my son's age, and I thought about his parents getting the news, and all their worry.
So please take care.

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