On the Waterfront, not on environmental issues, alas, but on financial ones, a stop has been put for the time being on any agreements to be signed with Harcourt. A prudent proposition, especially as the credit crunch has made the cost of borrowing increase, and if Harcourt collapsed, the States could be left to pick up the pieces.
The JEP also reported that Jim Perchard had come under pressure not to bring this proposition. As it was supported by virtually all members, including the Council of Ministers, that means the likely suspect is Web, especially as the only States member to go against it was Jacqui Huet, who is a States director on the board of Web.
Hopefully this pause will provide enough time for alternatives to be explored, especially ones which will not leave the States with a 1/2 million pound maintenance bill for the sunken road, poor air quality etc.
The JEP has already reported small businessmen who want the whole development looked at again because of the credit crunch, looking more for retail outlets and housing than office blocks.
James Perchard's proposition came up "to request the Chief Minister to give directions to the Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited in accordance with Article 22(a) of the Articles of Association of the Company that no development agreement should be signed by the Company in relation to the proposed Esplanade Quarter, St. Helier until the details of the proposed development agreement have been recommended by the Waterfront Enterprise Board for endorsement by the States, presented to the States by the Chief Minister and approved by the Assembly."
Senator Frederick Ellyer Cohen ABSTAINED
Deputy Jacqueline Jeannette Huet CONTRE
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy
This was proposed by Freddie Cohen, who could have used his powers but wanted the widest possible States approval. The whole proposal is worth a read, but here is a pertinent extract:
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion - to refer to their Act dated 26th June 2006 in which they approved the States Strategic Plan 2006 to 2011 and approved, inter alia, Objective 4.7.5 "To bring forward for consultation and debate in 2006 a Coastal Zone Management Plan"; Commitment 1.1 "Show the world that economic and environmental success can work together, indicated by Conservation and enhancement of biological diversity locally and contribution towards the conservation of global biodiversity where appropriate"; Commitment 4.4 "Clean air, clean water and uncontaminated land"; Commitment 4.5 "Jersey's natural and built heritage is sympathetically managed" and Objective 5.2.8 "Over the period 2007 - 2010, meet, where possible, international standards set through the extension of international treaties and conventions".
The coast and seas around Jersey are an integral part of Island life. It is therefore essential that the coast is protected and managed so that it can continue to be enjoyed by generations to come....We know far more about the terrestrial parts of Jersey than we do the sea. Consequently, the system for protecting land is far more advanced. However, our coasts and seas are under increasing pressures such as calls for more reclamation, the likely advent of offshore wind-farms, the impacts of climate change and an unprecedented growth in marine and coastal leisure activities. If we are to manage these pressures with any confidence, we need to redress this imbalance and improve our knowledge of the underwater world that surrounds us. In short we need to protect our coasts and seas, we need to know more about them, we need to use our marine and coastal environment sensitively and everyone with an interest or responsibility needs to be involved to make it happen.
Sadly 10 members were not present, and clearly didn't see this as a major issue. A strange group of those voting against this - I've not seen any clear pattern, and hopefully Hansard will reveal why they did.
Connétable Thomas John du Feu (St Peter)
Connétable Graeme Frank Butcher (St John)
Deputy Gerard Clifford Lemmens Baudains (St Clements)
Deputy Sarah Craig Ferguson (St Brelade)
Lettre Jerriaise Samedi l'19 d'Octobre 2002
* Lettre Jerriaise Samedi l'19 d'Octobre 2002*
Ch'èst un pliaisi, comme trejous, pour mé Clifford Laisney d'vos presenter
tchiques patholes dans ma pr...
4 days ago
1 comment:
The last two votes contre in respect of ICZMS were on the basis of manpower, the strategy says a new position will be created inhouse with a shuffle. Now the department are unable to keep up to speed with their current workload. So the strategy will never get off the ground.
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